Page:A pocket dictionary, Welsh-English.djvu/17

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Addysgiadol, a. dictatic

Addysgwr, n. an instructor

Aed, n. a going; a proceeding

Aeg, n. faculty of utterance

Ael, n. a jut out; a brow

Aeldrem, n. a leering

Aeldrwm, a. stern, frowning

Aele, a. woeful, sad, piteous

Aeled, n. an ailment

Aelfawr, a. big browed

Aelgerth, n. the check bone

Aeliog, a. browed; full browed

Aelod, n. a limb, a number

Aelodi, v. to form a member

Aelodiad, n. forming a member

Aelodog, a. limbed

Aelwyd, n. a hearth; family

Aelwydiad, n. a hearth-full

Aelwyd, a. prosperous

Aer, n. slaughter; battle; heir

Aerfan, n. a field of battle

Aeron, n. fruits of trees

Aerwy, n. a collar; torques

Aes, n. a flat body; a target

Aesel, n. verjuice; vinegar

Aeserw, n. plank

Aeth, n. a point, a furse: v. he went; he has gone

Aethawl, a. pungent, poignant

Aethiad, n. a smarting

Aethnen, n. an aspen, a poplar

Aethwellt, n. latter-math

Aethwydd, n. aspen wood

Af, n. progress, a going on; a prefix to words, answering to UN

Afach, n. a grapple, a holdfast

Afaeth, n. blandishment

Afal, n. an apple

Afaleua, v. to gather apples

Afall, n. an apple tree

Afallach, n. an orchard

Afallen, n. an apple tree

Afallwydd, n. apple trees

Afan, n. raspberries: a. high, loud

Afanc, n. a crocodile

Afanen, n. a raspberry

Afanwydd, n. a raspberry-brake

Afiach, a. unwell, unhealthy

Afiaeth, n. blandishment

Afiechyd, n. indisposition

Aflafar, n. loss of speech; dumb

Aflafarwch, n. lack of utterance

Aflan, a. unclean, poluted

Aflanhad, n. a polluting

Aflanhau, v. to pollute

Aflariaidd, a. ungentle

Aflathr, a. without polish

Aflathraidd, a. unpollished

Aflawen, a. not merry

Afleferydd, n. dumbness

Aflendid, n. uncleanness

Aflerw, a. slovenly, untidy

Afles, n. disadvantage; hurt

Aflesol, a. disadvantageous

Aflesrwydd, n. disadvantage

Aflesu, v. to damage, to hurt

Aflonder, n. uncheerfulness

Aflonydd, a. unquiet, restless

Aflonyddiad, n. molestation

Aflonyddu, v. to disquiet

Aflonyddwch, n. disquietude

Aflonyddwr, n. a molester

Afloyw, a. not clear, muddy

Afloywder, n. muddiness

Aflun, a. void of form

Afluniad, n. deforming

Afluniaidd, a. deformed

Aflunieiddio, v. to disfigure

Aflwfr, a. uncowardly; daring

Aflwydd, n. misfortune

Aflwyddianus, a. unprosperous

Aflwyddiant, n. misfortune, want of prosperity

Aflwyddo, v. to miscarry, to fail

Aflwyddol, a. unprosperous

Aflyfnder, n. ruggedness

Aflym, a. blunt; not sharp

Aflymder, n. want of sharpness

Aflywodraeth, n. misrule

Aflywodraethus, a. ungovernable

Afon, n. a river

Afonig, n. a brook, rivulet, a rill

Afonol, a. like a rivet

Afr, n. a flowing principle