Page:A pocket dictionary, Welsh-English.djvu/18

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Afrad, n. waste

Afradiad, n. a lavashing

Afradlawn, a. extravagant

Afradlondeb, n. prodigality

Afradloni, v. to waste, to lavish

Afradloniad, n. lavishing

Afradlonrwydd, n. prodigality

Afradu, v. to squander, to lavish

Afraid, a. needless, unnecessary

Afreol, n. disorder, misrule

Afreolaidd, a. irregular

Afreolaeth, n. irregularity

Afrif, a. numberless

Afrifad, n. innumerableness

Afrifed, a. innumerable

Afrifo, v. to miscount

Afrllad, n. consecrated wafers

Afrlladen, n. a cake, a wafer

Afrugl, a. faultering, hesitating

Afrwydd, n. difficulty: a. unprosperous

Afrwydd-deb, n. unpropitiousness

Afrwyddiad, n. a retarding

Afrwyddo, v. to retard, to hinder

Afrwyddol, a. unpropitious

Afrwym, a. unbound, untied

Afrywiaeth, n. degeneracy

Afrywiedig, a. degenerated

Afrywio, v. to degenerate

Afrywiog, a. harsh, degenerate

Afrywiogi, v. to grow rough

Afrywiogrwydd, n. degeneracy, rigour; harshness

Afu, n. the liver

Afuad, n. the rot

Afuol, a. hepatical

Affwys, n. a precipice: a. steep

Ag, n. f. an opening, a cleft: prep. with

Agen, n. a cleft, a chop, a chink

Agendor, n. a yawing gulf

Agenig, n. a small deft

Ageniad, n. a rifting, a cleaving

Agenog, a. leaky; full of clefts

Agenu, v. to crack, to cleave

Ager, n. vapour; steam, reek

Agerdd, u. steam; vapour

Agerddol, a. steaming; reeking

Agerfa, n. air rent

Ageru, v. to cast a steam

Agorad, n. an opening

Agored, a. open, espandetl

Agor, Agori, Agoryd, v. to open, to expand

Agoriad, n. what opens; a key

Agoriadol, a. aperient

Agorol, a. opening, expanding

Agorwr, n. an opener

Agos, a. proximate; near; nigh

Agosiad, n. approximation

Agosrwydd, n. nearness

Agro, a. very heavy; pensive, sad

Agwedd, n. condition; form

Agweddiad, n. modification

Agweddol, a. habitual

Agweddu, v. to modify; to form

Aha, interj. ha, ha

Ai, ad. is it: conj. comp. or, either

A’i, pron. comp. that, her, him

Aidd, n. zeal, ardency

Ail, a. second; like. A prefix answering to RE. See Ad

Ailachosi, v. act as second cause

Ailadeiladu, see Ail and Adeiladu, and the same with all other words not mentioned here, prefixed with Ail

Alaeth, n. grief, sorrow, wailing

Alaethu, v. to grieve, to wail

Alaethus, a. mornful, doleful

Alar, n. loathing, surfeit

Alarch, n. a swan

Alarchen, n. a cygnet

Alariad, n. a surfeiting

Alarllyd, a. loathsome, surfeiting

Alarm, n. a mighty shout

Alarmu, v. to call to arms; to shout, or surprise

Alaru, v. to loath or surfeit

Alaw, n. chief of the waters; instrumental music

Alawr, n. a plate, receptacie

Alban, n. upper part. Scotland

Albrys, n. cross bow

Alcan, n. white metal; tin

Alch, n. grate, gridiron