Page:A pocket dictionary, Welsh-English.djvu/181

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Gweinid, n. attendance; service

Gweinidog, n. minister; servant

Gweinidogaeth, n. ministry, service

Gweinidogaethu, v. to minister

Gweinidoges, n. a maidservant

Gweinidogiad, n. a ministering

Gweinidogol, a. ministrant

Gweinif, n. ministration

Gweinifiad, n. one who serves

Gweinig, a. ministrant, serving

Gweinigiad, n. a ministering

Gweimgio, v. to minister

Gweinigiol, a. ministrant

Gweinio, v. to put in a sheath

Gweiniol, a. being ministrant; sheathing

Gweinydd, n. an attendant; servitor

Gweinyddes, n. female attendant

Gweinyddferch, n. a serving woman

Gweinyddiad, n. a ministering

Gweinyddiaeth, n. ministry

Gweinyddol, a. ministering

Gweirdir, n. hay land

Gweirglawdd, n. a hay-field

Gweiriad, n. a making into hay

Gweirio, v. to become hay

Gweiryn, n. a blade of hay

Gweisgwen, n. a press, a stamp

Gweisgi, a. alert, brisk, gay. Cnau gweisgi, ripe nuts

Gweisgiad, n. a rendering brisk; a slipping out

Gweisgio, v. to slip about

Gweisgion, n. husks, shells

Gweisgioni, v. to husk; to crumble

Gweisionain, n. tiny striplings

Gweitio, v. to wait

Gweithdy, n. a workhouse

Gweithfa, n. a manufactory

Gweithfuddig, a. victorious

Gweithgar, a. industrious

Gweithiad, n. a working

Gweithian, adv. now

Gweithiau, adv. sometimes

Gweithiedydd, n. an operator

Gweithio, v. to work

Gweithiol, a. working

Gweithiwr, n. a workman

Gweithle, n. a workshop

Gweithon, adv. at present, now

Gweithred, n. action, act

Gweithredai, n. an operator

Gweithrediad, n. working

Gweithrediant, n. operation

Gweithredol, a. operative, active

Gweithredu, v. to operate

Gweithredwr, n. a worker

Gwêl, n. the sight or vision

Gweladwy, a. what may be seen

Gwelameg, n. haw in the eye

Gwelchyn, n. pert little fellow

Gweled, n. vision: v. to see

Gwelediad, n. a seeing

Gwelediant, n. vision

Gweledig, a. being seen, visible

Gweledigaeth, n. a vision

Gweledydd, n. a spectator

Gweli, n. a wound; calumny

Gweliad, n. a laying open; a wounding

Gwelio, v. to lay open; to wound

Gwelw, n. a pale hue: a. pale

Gwelwad, n. a making pale

Gwelwder, n. paleness

Gwelwi, v. to grow pale

Gwelwlas, a. pale blue

Gwely, n. a bed, a couch; a plat; a tribe

Gwelyd, n. an opening; a wound

Gwelydd, n. a bed; stock of a family

Gwelyddu, v. to take response

Gwelyddyd, n. a repository

Gwelyf, n. a couch, or a bed

Gwelyfod, n. a lying in

Gwelyfodi, v. to lie in

Gwelyg, n. a wine press

Gwelygordd, n. a kindred

Gwelyo, v. to put in bed; to bed

Gwelyod, n. a laying-in

Gwelyog, a. bedded, having a bed; hereditary