Page:A pocket dictionary, Welsh-English.djvu/250

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Nwydo, v. to have a whim or bias

Nwydol, Nwydus, a. whimsical

Nwydwyllt, a. hair-brained

Nwydd, n. essence; substance; effects. Nwyddau, goods

Nwyddo, v. to make substantial

Nwyddol, a. substantial, material

Nwyf, n. a pervading element; vivacity, energy, vigour

Nwyfiannu, v. to cheer the spirits

Nwyfiant, n. brightness; vigour

Nwyfio, v. to enliven, to grow lively

Nwyfol, a. full of spirits; wanton

Nwyfre, n. firmament, atmosphere

Nwyfus, a. full of spirits; wanton

Nwyth, n. a bent; a whim

Nwythas, n. eccentricity, oddity

Nwythus, full of whims, freaky

Nych, n. a languishing, a pining

Nycha, interj. behold, lo, see

Nychdod, n. a languishment

Nychiad, n. a languishing; a vexing, a pining

Nychlyd, a. pining; painful

Nychol, a. languishing, pining

Nychu, v. to pain; to languish

Nydwydd, n. a broach; a needle

Nydwyddes, n. a needlewoman

Nydd, n. a spin, a twist

Nyddiad, n. a spinning, a twisting

Nyddol, a. spinning, twisting

Nyddu, v. to spin, to twist

Nyddwedd, n. size of yarn in spinning

Nyddwr, n. a spinner

Nyddwraig, n. a spinster

Nyf, n. snow

Nyfed, n. a pure or holy nature

Nyni, pron. we, us

Nyninau, pron. we or us likewise

Nyth, n. a nest

Nythaid, n. a nestful

Nythfa, n. a nesting place

Nythgyw, n. a nestling

Nythu, v. to nest, to nestle

Nyw, n. vivacity; vigour

O, n. what goes or proceeds: prep. from; of, out, of; by: conj. if: pron. it; he: interj. oh, alas

Oblegid, conj. because, for

Obry, adv. beneath, below

Ocr, Ocraeth, n. usury; profit

Ocredd, n. usuriousness

Ocri, n. usury; profit, gain

Ocriad, n. a dealing in usury

Ocru, v. to practise usury

Och, interj. oh! alas! woe!

Ochain, v. to be uttering groans

Ochan, n. a groan, a moan; woe

Ochenaid, n. a sigh

Ocheneidiad, n. a sighing

Ocheneidio, v. to sigh

Ocheneidiol, a. sighing

Ochi, v. to utter groans

Ochr, n. a side, an edge, a rim

Ochredd, n. laterality; side

Ochri, v. to side; to make a ledge

Ochriad, n. a siding; an edging, a forming a ledge

Ochrog, a. having sides

Ochrol, a. belonging to a side

Od, n. what is clear; snow: a notable, excellent; odd: conj. it

Odi, v. to snow

Odiad, n. a falling of snow

Odiaeth, n. what is notable, rarity

Odiaethol, a. peculiar, notable

Odiaethu, v. to render notable

Odid, n. peculiarity, rarity: adv. probably; rarely

Odli, v. to make rhyme; to rhyme

Odliad, n. a rhyming

Odlog, a. rhythmical; rhymed

Odlyd, a. niveous, or snowy

Odwlaw, n. sleet

Odyn, n. a kiln

Odynaid, n. a kilnful

Odyndy, n. a kiln-house

Odd, n. what tends out or from;