Page:A pocket dictionary, Welsh-English.djvu/249

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Nill, n. what is repeated

Nillai, n. a sickle

Ninau, pron. we also, us too

Nis, adv. not

Nith, n. what is pure: niece

Nithiad, n. a winnowing

Nithiant, n. a purifying

Nithio, v. to winnow

Nithlen, n. winnowing sheet

Niw, n. what is violent

Niwed, n. harm, damage

Niweidiad, n. a hurting; a harming

Niweidio, v. to injure, to damage, to hurt

Niweidiol, a. hurtful, noxious

Niweidioldeb, n. noxiousness

Niwl, n. a mist, a fog

Niwlen, n. a small mist, a cloud

Niwliach, n. scattered clouds

Niwliad, n. a becoming misty

Niwlio, v. to become misty

Niwliog, a. covered with mist

No, n. what stops or keeps in: adv. than

Nôd, n. a token, a mark. Haint y nodau, the plague. Hyd y nôd, even, up to the mark

Nodadwy, a. remarkable, notable

Nodedig, a. marked, noted

Noden, n. thread, yarn

Nodi, v. to mark, to note

Nodiad, n. a marking

Nodiadol, a. characteristic

Nodiadu, v. to characterise

Nodiannol, a. characteristic

Nodiannu, v. to characterise

Nodiant, n. notation, noting

Nodog, a. having a mark

Nodol, a. marked, notable

Nodweddiad, n. a characterising; discrimination

Nodweddu, v. to characterise

Nodyn, n. a note, a mark, a sign

Nodd, n. moisture; juice, sap

Nodded, n. refuge, protection

Noddfa, n. a sanctuary

Noddi, v. to give refuge

Noddiad, n. a giving refuge

Noddiant, n. protection, refuge

Noddlyd, a. juicy, full of sap

Noddlydrwydd, n. juciness

Noddlydu, v. to become juicy

Noddwr, n. a protector

Noddyn, n. an abyss

Noe, n. a platter, a dish, a tray

Noeaid, n. a platter-full

Noeth, a. naked, bare, exposed

Noethedd, n. nakedness

Noethi, v. to make bare

Noethiad, n. a making naked

Noethiannol, a. denuding

Noethiannu, v. to bare, to denude

Noethiant, n. denudation

Noethlyman, a. stark naked

Noethni, nakedness, bareness

Nof, n. what moves or flows

Nofiad, n. a swimming

Nofiadaeth, n. art of swimming

Nofiadol, a. swimming

Nofiedydd, Nofiwr, n. swimmer

Nofio, v. to swim, to cause to swim

Nog, n. a stop; restive state, conj. than

Nogio, v. to stop; to be restive

Nol, v. to fetch, to bring

Non, n. a stream, a current

Nôs, n. night. Mîn nôs, eve

Nosi, v. to become night

Nosiad, n. a becoming night

Nosig, n. night time, night

Nosol, a. nocturnal, nightly

Noson, n. a certain night

Noswaith, n. a certain night

Noswyl, n. evening tide

Noswyliad, n. leaving work at eve; a keeping of vigils

Noswylio, v. to leave work at eve; to keep vigils

Nudd, n. a fog, a mist

Nuddo, v. to become foggy

Nug, n. a quiver, a ripple

Nwy, n. what pervades; spirit gas

Nwyd, n. bias; whim, trick

Nwydedd, n. a habit of freaks