Page:A pocket dictionary, Welsh-English.djvu/248

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Neisio, v. to trim up nicely

Neithio, v. to complete; to confirm

Neithior, n. completion; a marriage feast

Neithiori, v. to keep a marriage feast

Neithiwyr, n. the evening past, last night

Nemawr, n. a few in number

Nen, n. a ceiling, a canopy

Nenawr, n. upper story, garret

Nenbren, n. a roof beam

Nenfwd, n. a ceiling arch

Neniad, n. a ceiling, a vaulting

Neniar, n. a roof beam

Nenty, n. a cockloft, a garret

Nêr, n. what has self-energy; the Lord

Nerth, n. might, power

Nerthedd, n. potency, strength

Nerthfawr, a. of great power

Nerthiad, n. a strengthening

Nerthiannu, v. to make potent

Nerthiant, n. a strengthening

Nerthol, a. powerful, potent

Nerthu, v. to make powerful

Nes, n. a proximate state: a. divested of distance; nearer, adv. until, before that

Nesâd, n. approximation

Nesaol, a. approximating

Nesâu, v. to approximate

Nesefin, n. a neighbour

Nesiad, n. a drawing near

Nesiant, n. approximation

Nesnes, adv. nearer and nearer

Nesrwydd, n. nearness, proximity

Nest, n. what is compact or close

Nestig, a. compact

Nesu, v. to approximate

Neu, v. to pant; to wish or to pant for earnestly: conj. or

Neuadd, n. a hall, a large room

Neuaddol, a. belonging to a hall

Neued, n. a panting; a longing

Neufedd, n. wealth, riches

New, n. what is proceeding

Newid, n. change: v. to change, to alter

Newidiad, n. a changing

Newidiannu, to produce change

Newidiant, n. act of changing

Newidio, v. to change, to alter, to become changed

Newidiol, a. changing, mutable

Newidioldeb, n. changeableness

Newydd, n. what is new, news: a. new, novel; fresh

Newydd-dra, n. newness, novelty

Newyddiad, n. a making new

Newyddiadur, n. newspaper

Newyddol, a. of a new quality

Newyddu, v. to make new

Newyn, n. hunger; famine

Newyndra, n. a hungry state

Newyniad, n. a famishing

Newynllyd, Newynog; a. hungry, starving

Newynol, a. famishing, hungry

Newynu, v. to famish, to starve

Nhw, Nhwy, pron. they, them

Nhwythau, pron. they likewise

Ni, n. a number separate; pron. i. we, us: adv. not

Nid, n. what is impending: adv. not

Nidr, n. impediment: delay

Nidrad, n. an entagling

Nidredd, n. entanglement; perplexity

Nidri, n. an entanglement; a perplexity

Nidro, v. to entangle

Nifer, n. a number; a host

Niferai, n. a numerator

Niferedd, n. numerousness

Niferiad, n. a numbering

Niferiaeth, n. numeration

Niferiannu, v. to enumerate

Niferog, a. numerous

Niferogi, v. to make numerous

Niferol, a. numerical, numeral

Niferu, v. to number

Niferydd, n. a numerist

Nifwl, n. a mist, a cloud

Nig, n. what is straitened

Nigiad, n. a straitening

Nigio, v. to straiten; to narrow