Page:A pocket dictionary, Welsh-English.djvu/255

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Panas, n. plaited straw, mat, a partition of plaited straw

Pandy, n. a fulling mill

Paned, adv. when, at which time

Paneg, n. a gut, an entrail

Panel, n. thick platting of straw cushion of a pack saddle

Panelog, a. plaited; panelled

Panelu, v. to plait, to mat

Panfa, n. a fulling; a banging

Paniad, n. a furring; a fulling

Pannu, v. to hem in; to make a depression; to cause a panic

Pannylu, v. to cause a sinking

Pant, n. what involves; a depression, a hollow, a low place

Pantiad, n. a forming a hollow

Pantog, a having a hollow, concavity

Pantu, v. to sink in; to dimple

Panu, v. to fur; to full; to bang

Panwaen, n. a peat moss

Panwr, n. a fuller; a banger

Panwriaeth, n. trade of a fuller

Papyr, n. paper

Papyrol, a. consisting of paper

Papyryn, n. a piece of paper

Pâr, n. state of readiness; pair

Par, n. a cause; germ; a spear

Para, v. to continue, to last

Parâd, n. continuance, duration

Parab, n. aptitude or utterance

Parabl, n. speech; discourse

Parad, n. causation, a causing

Paradwy, a. causable, effectable

Paradwyad, n. effectuation

Paradwys, n. a paradise. Cylion paradwys, Spanish flies

Paraeth, n. a causation, a cause

Paraol, a. continuing, lasting

Parâu, v. to persevere; to last

Parâus, a. constant, of long continuance

Parc, n. an enclosure; a park

Parciad, n. an enclosing

Parcio, v. to enclose, to hedge in

Parch, n. respect, reverence

Parchadwy, a. respectable

Parchedig, a. respected; reverend

Parchedigaeth, n. a of showing respect

Parchlawn, a. respectful

Parchlonder, n. respectfulness

Parchu, v. to respect, to revere, to have regard for

Parchus, a. respectful; respectable

Parchusedd, n. respectableness

Parddu, n. fire-black, smut

Pardduo, v. to smut, to grow smutty

Pared, n. a partition wall

Paredlys, n. pellitory of the wall

Parfaes, n. epithet for a shield

Parfyg, n. the herb henbane

Pari, n. a string, a drove, a flock

Pariad, n. a causing; a bidding

Parlas, n. a green plat of ground

Parlawr, n. a parlour

Parliant, n. interlocution

Parod, ready, prepared; promp

Parodi, v. to make ready, to prepare

Parodiad, n. a preparing

Parodol, a. preparatory, preparing

Parodoldeb, Parodrwydd, Parodedd, n. preparedness, readiness

Parol, a. causing, creative

Parotoëdd, n. preparedness

Parotöi, v. to prepare, to get ready

Parotöol, a. preparatory, preparing

Parsel, n. what is aimed at, a butt

Parth, n. a part; a division

Parthadwy, a. discriminable

Parthed, n. a division

Parthedig, a. divided, severed

Parthedigaeth, n. discrimination

Parthedigol, a. discriminative

Parthedd, n. a divided state

Parthgymeriad, n. a participle

Parthiad, n. a dividing, a parting

Parthiannol, a. discriminative

Parthiannu, v. to discriminate

Parthiant, n. a division, a sharing

Parthol, a. discriminate; parting, dividing