Page:A pocket dictionary, Welsh-English.djvu/256

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Parthred, n. distinction; party

Parthrediad, n. discrimination

Parthredu, v. to discriminate

Parthredus, a. discriminating

Parthu, v. to partition, to separate

Paru, v. to put in continuity; to pair

Parwar, a. silent: calm; still

Parwyd, n. a partition

Parwyden, n. a partition, a side

Parwydo, v. to make a partition

Parwydd, n. what is cognitive of acting or causing; a verb

Parwyddiad, n. a verb

Parwyddol, a. belonging to a verb

Parydd, n. a causer, a procurator

Pas, n. an exit; a cough; hooping cough

Pasc, n. the festival of Easter, the Passover

Pasg, n. a feeding, a flattening

Pasgedig, a. fatted, fattened

Pasgiad, n. the act of fattening

Pasiad, n. a passing

Pasio, v. to expel; to pass

Pastwn, n. a long staff, a pole

Pastynu, v. to beat with a staff

Pathawr, adv. what matters it

Pau, n. an inhabited region

Paw, n. what extends round

Pawan, n. a spreader; a peacock

Pawb, pron. every body, all persons

Pawen, n. a paw, a claw, a hoof

Paweniad, n. a using of the paw

Pawenu, v. to use the paw

Pawgen, n. a sock for a foot

Pawl, n. a pole, a stake

Pawr, n. a pasture; a grazing

Pe, n. what is causative, an agent: conj. if, though

Pebre, n. a chatter, a chat

Pebyll, n. tents, pavillions

Pebyllio, v. to pitch tents

Pebyr, n. what is uttered

Pech, n. state of inaction; sin

Pechaberth, n. a sin-offering

Pechadur, n. sinner

Pechadurus, a. sinful, wicked

Pechiad, n. committing of sin

Pechod, n. sin, an evil act

Pechu, v. to commit sin, to sin

Pêd, n. what bears onward, a foot

Ped, conj. if, though

Pedair, a. four

Pedest, n. motion of the feet

Pedestr, n. a pedestrian

Pedestrol, a. foot-travelling

Pedestru, v. to travel on foot

Pedol, n. pedal, shoe

Pedoli, v. to shoe

Pedoliad, n. a shoeing

Pedolog, a. shod, as a horse

Pedrain, n. buttock, crupper

Pedrog, a. of a square form

Pedrongl, n. quadrangle, square

Pedroglawd, n. a quadrating

Pedrogledd, n. a quadrature

Pedrongli, v. to form a square

Pedroglyn, n. a quadrate

Pedronglog, a. quadrangular

Pedror, n. a quadrangle

Pedrori, v. to quadrate, to square

Pedroriad, n. a quadrating

Pedrus, a. hesitating, dubious

Pedrusaeth, n. hesitation, doubting

Pedrusdod, Pedrusder, n. hesitation, indecision

Pedrusiad, n. a hesitating

Pedruso, v. to start aside; to hesitate

Pedrusol, a. hesitating, doubting

Pedrusrwydd, n. doubtfulness

Pedryad, n. a quadrating, a squaring

Pedryael, n. what has four skirts; square

Pedrychwal, a. four ways of spreading

Pedryd, n. a square

Pedrydant, n. a quadrate state

Pedrydiad, n. a quadrating; a perfecting

Pedryfal, n. what is of four pieces

Pedryfan, n. a quarry; a quarter

Pedryfaniad, n. a quartering

Pedryfanu, v. to quarter

Pedrygan, n. what is contained