Page:A pocket dictionary, Welsh-English.djvu/34

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Anymranol, a. unschismatic

Anymrithiol, a. undisguising

Anymroad, n. non-resignation

Anymroddiad, n. inapplication

Anymrysonol, a. incontentious

Anymsyniad, n. inconsideration

Anymuniad, n. disunion

Anymwad, a. unrenounced

Anymwthgar, a. inobtrusive

Anymyrus, a. unimportunate

Anynad, a. peevish, petulent

Anynadrwydd, n. petulence

Anyni, a. without energy

Anysgogol, a. unmoveable

Anysgrifenedig, a. unwritten

Anysgrythyrol, a. unscriptural

Anysgymod, n. dissention

Anysplenydd, a. unresplendent

Anysprydol, a. unspiritual

Anystig, a. unassiduous

Anystumiad, n. inflesibility

Anystwyth, a. unpliable, stiff

Anystwytho, v. to grow stiff

Anystyniad, n. ineatension

Anystyriaeth, n. inconsiderateness

Anystyrio, v. to be inconsiderate

Anystywallt, a. untoward. Any other word not mentioned here commencing with AN, see AN, then the remaining part of the word.

Ar, n. the faculty of speech: n. surface, ploughed land, prep. on, upon. Ar i fyny, upwards, ar i waered, downwards, pref. gives intensity to the signification of words; as arch in English.

Arab, a. joyous, merry, pleasant

Arabawl, a. yielding, merriness

Arabedd, n. jocundity, drollery

Arabeddu, v. to create mirth

Arabeddus, a. facetious

Arabwr, n. a jester, a buffoon

Arad, n. a plough

Aradiad, n. tillage

Aradol, a. ploughing; arable

Aradu, v. to plough, to till

Aradwr, n. a ploughman

Aradwy, n. ploughing: a. arable

Araeth, n. speech, oration

Araf, a. slow, soft, mild, still

Arafaidd, a. rather slow; gen le

Arafedd, n. slowness

Arafeiddio, v. to slacken pace

Arafu, v. to go slower

Arafwch, n. slowness, mildness

Arall, a. another, other

Arallair, n. a paraphrase

Aralledig, a. diversifled

Aralleg, n. an allegory

Arallegiad, n. an allegorizing

Arallegol, a. allegorical

Arallegu, v. to allegorize

Arallegwr, n. an allegorizer

Aralliad, n. alteration

Arallrwydd, n. alternity

Arallu, v. to alter; to invert

Aramred, n. perambulation

Aran, n. high place, or alp

Araul, a. serene; pleasant

Arbed, n. a sparing, a saying: v. to spare, to save

Arbediad, n. a sparing a saying

Arbedol, a. saving, sparing

Arbedwr, n. a sparer

Arbenig, principal; excellent; peculiar

Arbenigol, a. superior, excelling

Arbenigrwydd, n. supremacy

Arbenog, a. principal, supreme

Arbenol, a. sovereign, supreme

Arberyglu, v. to endanger

Arbetrus, a. very dubious

Arbetruso, v. to doubt much

Arbrinder, n. great scarcity

Arbwyll, n. reason, intellect

Arbwylleb, Arbwylleg, n. logic

Arbylu, v. to blunt greatly

Arch, n. a request, a petition, a demand: n. a trunk, or chest: a. chief, topmost, principal

Archangel, n. archangel

Archdeyrn, n. a monarch

Archdeyrnaeth, n. monarchy