Page:A pocket dictionary, Welsh-English.djvu/48

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Bochdew, a. fat-cheeked

Bochgern, n. a jole

Bochgernaid, n. a chop-full

Bochlug, a. blub-cheeked

Bochiad, n. a munching

Bochio, v. to munch

Bochlaes, a. flabby-cheeked

Bochlwyd, a. pale-cheeked

Bochlwyth, n. chop-full

Bochlwytho, v. to stuff greedily

Bochog, a. blub-cheeked

Bod, n. being, existence: v. to be, to exist

Bòd, n. mountain kite

Bodlon, a. contented, pleased

Bodlondeb, n. contentedness

Bodloni, v. to satisfy, to please

Bodolaeth, n. existence

Bodrwy, n. a ring

Bodd, n. will, consent

Bodda, n. the red shrank, a bud, TROEDGOCH

Boddgar, a. easily pleased

Boddgarwch, n. contentedness

Boddhâd, n. pleasing, satisfying

Boddhau, v. to please

Boddi, v. to drown, to immerse

Boddiad, n. a drowning

Boddineb, n. contentment

Boddiwr, n. satisfier

Boddlon, a. willing; contended

Boddlondeb, n. satisfaction

Boddlonedig, a. satisfied

Boddlongar, a. satisfactory

Boddloni, v. to please, to satisfy

Boddloniad, n. a satisfying

Boddlonol, a. tending to please

Boddlonrwydd, n. contentedness

Boddlonwr, n. a satisfier

Boddog, a. pleased

Boddol, a. contented, willing

Boddoldeb, n. contentment

Boddus, a. agreeable, pleasing

Boddwr, n. drowner

Bog, n. arising up, swell

Bogeilchwydd, n. swelling of the navel

Bogeilglwm, n. boss of the navel

Bogeiliaidd, a. umbilical

Bogel, n. navel; a nave

Boglwm, n. a boss, knob

Boglyniad, n. bossing

Boglynu, v. to boss; to bubble

Boglynwaith, n. embossment

Bol, n. belly

Bolaid, n. belly-full

Bolchwydd, n. tympany, swell

Bolchwyddo, v. to swell the belly; to swagger

Boldyn, a. tight-bellied

Bolera, v. to spunge; to guzzle

Bolerai, n. a guzzler

Bolgan, n. a pouch; a budget

Bolglwm, n. boss; tuft

Bolgwd, n. paunch-belly

Bolheulo, v. to bask in the sun

Boliad, n. a bellying

Bolio, v. to belly, to gorge

Boliog, a. big-bellied

Bolol, n. goblin, ghost, bugbear

Bolrwth, a. gluttonous

Bolrwym, a. bound, costive

Bolrwymedd, n. costiveness

Bolrwymo, v. to make costive

Bolrwymyn, n. belly-band

Bolrythi, n. greediness

Bolrythiad, n. gormandizing

Bolrythu, v. to gormandize

Bolwag, a. empty bellied

Bolwst, n. a hernia; a cholic

Bolystog, a. hernious

Bolystyn, n. hernia

Bollt, n. bolt, spar, dart

Bolltad, n. bolting, stalk

Bolltedig, a. bolted, darted

Bon, n. stock, stem, base

Bonad, n. basement

Bonbren, n. harness stretcher

Boncaeth, n. a mass, a whole

Bonclust, n. root of the ear; a box on the ear

Bonclustio, v. to box the ear

Boncyff, n. stump, stock

Bondew, a. thick-legged

Bondid, n. plough-chain

Bondo, n. eaves, first thatch