Page:A pocket dictionary, Welsh-English.djvu/49

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Bonedd, n. stock, pedigree

Boneddig, adj. having a stock; noble, genteel.—Gwr boneddig, a gentleman

Boneddigaidd, a. genteel, noble

Boneddigeiddrwydd, n. gentility

Bonffaglu, v. to burn all round

Bongam, a. bandy-legged

Bonglwm, n. knob on the end

Boniad, n. the aft ox in a team

Bonllost, n. the tail end

Bonog, adj. stemmed, stalked, thick-shanked

Bonsang, n. base, ayer

Bontin, n. a buttock; rump

Bor, n. centre, focus

Bore, n. the dawn, morning: a early; morning

Boreddydd, n. a dayspring

Borefwyd, n. breakfast

Boregwaith, n. morning

Boreu, n. dawning, morning

Boreuedd, n. earliness

Boreuo, v. to become day

Boreuol, a. dawning, morning

Boreuwisg, n. morning dress

Bost, n. bragging, boast

Bostiad, n. boasting

Bostio, v. to brag, to boast

Bostiwr, n. a boaster

Bot, n. a round body

Botas, n. buskin; boot

Botaswr, n. boot-maker

Botwm, n. button; boss

Botymog, a. buttoned; bossed

Botymu, v. to button, to boss

Both, n. stock or nave; a boss

Bothog, a. stocked, shanked

Bothell, n. bottle; blister

Brac, a. free, frank, open

Brad, n. perfidy; a break off

Bradbwll, n. trap-pit

Bradfwriad, n. sedition

Bradfwriadu, v. to plot sedition

Bradiad, n. a doing treachery

Bradus, a. treacherous

Bradwr, n. traitor

Bradwriaeth, n. treason

Bradwrus, a. traitorous

Bradwy, n. a break off, blemish

Bradwyad, n. a crumbling off

Bradwyo, v. to crumble away

Bradychiad, n. a betraying

Bradychol, a. betraying

Bradychu, v. to betray

Bradychus, a. betraying

Brae, n. a cutting off

Braen, n. rot, corruption: adj. rotten, corrupt

Braenar, n. fallow

Braenariad, n. fallowing

Braenaru, v. to fallow

Braenedig, a. putrified

Braenedigol, a. putrefactive

Braenedd, n. putridity

Braeniad, n. a rottening

Braenllyd, a. putrid; finewy

Braenllydedd, n. mouldiness

Braenu, v. to rot, to putrify

Brâg, n. malt; a. sprouting

Bragaldian, v. to babble

Bragaldio, v. to gabble

Bragawd, n. m. a sprouting; a compound; bragget, a liquor

Bragdy, n. a malt house

Bragio, v. to branch, to issue

Bragoelyn, n. braggett liquor

Bragodyn, n. a sprout, a germ

Bragu, v. to malt

Bragwair, n. marsh-bent

Bragwr, n. a maltster

Braich, n. arm, branch

Braidd, a. ultimate: ad. just; hardly

Braint, n. privilege

Braisg, a. gross; large, thick

Braith, a. motley, variegated

Bral, n. hair-brained one

Bram, n. fart, short puff

Bramu, v. to fart

Brân, n. a crow

Branaidd, a. like a crow

Branes, n. flight of crows

Branos, n. young crows

Bras, n. cross bow

Brâs, a. thick, fat; large; gross

Brasâd, n. growing fat