Page:A pocket dictionary, Welsh-English.djvu/59

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Campfa, n. a place for games

Campio, v. to strive at games

Campus, a. excellent, masterly

Campwri, n. masterpiece

Camraw, n. a shovel

Camre, n. a pace, a step

Camreoli, v. to misgovern

Camrifo, v. to miscount

Camsyniad, n. misconception

Camsynied, v. to misconceive

Camwedd, n. iniquity, injustice

Camweddog, a. iniquitious

Camweddu, v. to transgress

Camweddus, a. iniquitious

Caraweithred, n. a misdeed

Camwri, n. perversion, abuse

Camymddwyn, v. to misconduct

Camymddygiad, misconducting

Camystum, n. distortion

Camystyr, n. a wrong sense

Camystyriaeth, n. misconstruction

Camystyried, v. to misapprehend

Cân, n. a descant, a song

Càn, n. sight; brightness; whiteness, flour: a. white

Canad, n. a bleaching

Canaid, n. a luminary

Canawd, n. a descanting

Canbost, n. a prop, a baluster

Candryll, a. all to pieces

Canedig, a. blanched, whitened

Canfed, a. hundredth

Canfod, v. to behold, to perceive

Canfodadwy, a. perceptible

Canfodiad, n. a perceiving

Canfys, n. the ring-finger

Canhauol, n. pellitory

Caniad, n. license, consent: n. a song, music

Caniadaeth, n. science of song

Caniatâd, n. permission

Caniatâol, a. permissive

Caniatâu, v. to permit, to consent

Canlyn, v. to follow, to pursue

Canlyniad, n. a following

Canlyniadol, a. consequential

Canlynol, a. following

Canlynwr, n. a follower

Canllaw, support; ballustrade

Canllawiaeth, n. supportation

Canmol, v. to commend

Canmoladwy, a. commendable

Canmoliad, n. commendation

Canmoliaeth, n. commendation

Canmoliaethol, commendatory

Canmoliant, n. commendation

Cannu, v. to contain

Cannwynol, a. congenial

Canol, n. a middle, a centre

Canolaidd, a. middling; central

Canolbarth, n. a middle point

Canoldir, n. an inland region

Canoli, v. to centre

Canoliad, n. what is central

Canolig, a. middling, ordinary

Canolog, a. middlemost, central

Canolydd, n. a middle man

Canon, a song; a canon, a rule

Canonwr, n. a canonist

Canplyg, a. hundredfold

Canryg, n. rye-flour

Cant, n. an orb, rim, or verge of a circle; a hundred

Cantel, n. a rim of a circle

Cantell, n. a rim or verge

Cantor, n. a singer

Cantores, n. a songstress

Cantref, n. a canton, a hundred

Cantro, a. centuple

Cantroed, a. centipede

Cantwr, n. a singer

Cantwraig, n. a songstress

Cànu, v. to bleach, to whiten

Canu, v. to sing; to play music

Canwaith, a hundred times

Canwelw, a. of a bluish white

Cànwr, n. a bleacher

Canwr, n. a singer

Canwraidd, a. hundred-rooted

Canwraig, n. a songstress

Canwriad, n. a centurion

Canwyl, n. a horse-mask

Canwyll, n. a candle

Canwyllbren, n. a candlestick

Canwyllwr, a dealer in candles

Canwyllydd, n. a chandler