Page:A pocket dictionary, Welsh-English.djvu/60

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Canwyllyr, n. a chandelier

Canwyr, n. a plane

Canwyro, v. to plane; also to mark beasts by cutting the ear

Canwyrydd, n. a planer

Canyddiaeth, n. the art of singing

Canys, conj. because, for

Cap, n. a cap, a hood

Capan, n. a cap, a lintel

Capel, n. a chapel; a place of divine worship

Car, n. a raft, a frame, a drag

Câr, n. a friend, a relation; a. near, prep. on, by, at

Carad, n. endearment

Caradwy, a. amiable, lovely

Carai, ri. a lace, a thong

Caraid, n. a drag-full

Caran, n. crown of the head

Carbwl, a. clumsy, awkward

Carchar, n. a prison

Carchariad, n. imprisonment

Carcharor, n. a prisoner

Carcharu, v. to imprison

Cardod, n. charity, alms

Cardodi, v. to give charity

Cardodol, a. charitable

Cardota, v. to go a begging

Cardotëiaeth, n. mendicity

Cardotty, n. an almshouse

Cardotyn, n. a beggar

Caredig, a. beloyed, loving

Caredigo, v. to caress

Caredigol, a. caressing

Caredigrwydd, n. kindness

Careg, n. a stone

Caregiad, n. petrifaction

Caregog, a. full of stones, stony

Caregol, a. petrifactive

Caregos, n. pebbles

Carennydd, kindness; kindred

Cares, n. a kinswoman

Carfagl, n. a trap

Carfan, n. a binder, a stead, a beam, a rail, a row, a ridge

Cariad, n. love; a lover

Cariadaidd, a. lovely, amiable

Cariadol, loving, endearing

Cariadus, a. loving, beloved

Cario, v. to carry, to bear

Carlam, n. a prance, a gallop

Carlamog, a. galloping

Carlamiad, n. a galloping

Carlamu, v. to prance

Carn, n. a heap; a hoof; a hilt, haft, handle: a. notorious

Carnaflog, a. cloven-footed

Carnbwl, a. clumsy, bungling

Carnedd, n. heap of stones

Carneddog, having stone heaps

Carneddu, v. to heap up stones

Carnen, n. a heap; a wild sow

Carnog, a. having a hoof

Carnol, a. hoofed

Carnu, v. to heap, to pile

Carol, n. love song, carol

Caroli, v. to carol

Carp, n. clout, rag

Carpio, v. to tear to rags

Carpiog, a. ragged, tattered

Cartref, n. a home, an abode

Cartrefiad, n. an abiding at home

Cartrefol, a. homely, domestic

Cartrefu, v. to stay at home

Carth, n. that which is peeled or scoured off; hemp; rind

Carthai, n. a cathartic

Carthbren, n. plough-staff

Carthedig, a. cleansed

Carthen, n. a sheet or cloth

Carthglwyd, n. dung barrow

Carthiad, n. a cleansing

Carthlyn, n. an emetic

Carthol, a. scouring; rinded

Carthu, v. to scour, to cleanse

Caru, v. to court, to love

Caruaidd, a. endearing, loving

Carueiddio, v. to endear

Carw, n. stag, hart

Carwiwrch, n. roebuck

Carwr, n. a lover

Cas, n. separated state; castle; hatred: a. hateful

Casâd, n. hating, enmity

Casâu, v. to hate, to be disgusted

Casâwr, n. a hater