Page:A pocket dictionary, Welsh-English.djvu/89

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Cynfedydd, n. first baptism

Cynfedd, n. original bias

Cynfeddiant, n. pre-occupation

Cynflas, n. foretaste

Cynflith, n. firstmilk

Cynfod, n. pre-existence

Cynfodol, a. pre-existent

Cynfraint, n. prerogative

Cynfrith, a. of variegated front

Cynfro, n. a first country

Cynfrodor, n. an aborigine

Cynfrwydr, n. front of battle

Cynfyd, n. antidiluvian world

Cynfyl, n. native place

Cynffon, n. tail, rump

Cynffonog, a. having a tail

Cynffoni, to form a tail, to cringe

Cynffrwyth, n. first fruit

Cynhaid, n. first swarm

Cynhanfod, n. pre-existence

Cynhasedd, n. a mutual bond

Cynhebrwng, n. funeral

Cynhebyg, a. alike, similar

Cynhebygol, a. comparative

Cynhebygu, v. to compare

Cynhefyg, n. principal

Cynhefin, n. growth of a year

Cynhen, n. contention, strife

Cynhenid, a. inbred, natural

Cynhenllyd, a. quarrelsome

Cynhenhol, a. contentions

Cynhenu, v. to contend, to quarrel

Cynhenus, a. contentious

Cynhes, a. warm; cheering

Cynhesiad, n. a warming

Cynhesrwydd, n. warmth

Cynhesu, v. to warm

Cynhordŷ, n. court house

Cynhwrf, n. commotion: trouble; disturbance

Cynhyrfiad, n. an agitating

Cynhyrfu, to move, to convulse

Cynhyrfwr, n. an agitator

Cyni, n. anguish, anxiety

Cyniad, n. principal

Cyniant, n. priority

Cynio, v. to wedge; to chizel

Cynllaeth, n. first milk

Cynllaith, n. humidity

Cynlliw, n. first colour

Cynllog, n. common interest

Cynllun, n. pattern, model

Cynllunio, v. to model

Cynlluniwr, n. a modeller

Cynllwyn, n. waylaying

Cynllwyno, v. to waylay

Cynllwynwr, n. lurker

Cynnadledd, n. colloquy

Cynnadliad, n. a conversing

Cynnadl, n. intercourse

Cynnadlu, v. to intercourse

Cynnal, v. to sustain, to bear

Cynnaliad, n. support

Cynnaliaeth, n. maintenance

Cynnaliwr, n. supporter

Cynnar, a. early, timely, soon

Cynnaru, v. to be early

Cynnarwch, n. earliness

Cynau, ad. ere, now; a while ago, lately

Cynnawn, n. leading strait

Cynne, n. ignition, burning

Cynneall, n. preconception

Cynnechre, n. first origin

Cyneddfol, a. habitual

Cyneddfu, v. to habituate

Cynneddf, n. disposition

Cynneddwd, n. custom, usage

Cynnefin, a accustomed

Cynnefiniad, n. accustoming

Cynnefindra, n. inurement

Cynnefino, v. to accustom

Cynnefnydd, n. first matter

Cynnefodi, v. to habituate

Cynnelw, n. pattern

Cynnerth, n. first power

Cynnethol, v. to pre-elect

Cynneu, v. to kindle to fire

Cynneuad, n. a kindling

Cynnewis, n. pre-election

Cynhefig, a. principal

Cynnhwf, n. first growth

Cynnifer, a. of equal number

Cynniferedd, n. even number

Cynniferydd, n. a quotient

Cynnifiad, n. conflictor