Page:A pocket dictionary, Welsh-English.djvu/90

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Cynnil, a. skilful; thrifty, saving

Cynniliad, n. a saving

Cynnildeb, n. frugality

Cynniledd, n. savingness

Cynnilio, v. to use skill; to save

Cynniwair, n. hovering about

Cynniweirfa, n. place of resort

Cynniweirio, v. to hover about

Cynniweiriol, a. hovering

Cyniweiriwr, n. hoverer

Cynnod, n. prime mark

Cynnodiad, n. prime mark

Cynorthwy, n. succour, aid

Cynorthwyad, n. assisting

Cynorthwyo, v. to support; to maintain; to succour

Cynnorthwywr, n. succourer

Cynnrych, n. an example

Cynnrychiad, n. exhibition

Cynnrychiol, a. presential

Cynnrychioldeb, n. presentness

Cynnrychioli, v. to represent

Cynnrychiolwr, representative

Cynnud, n. fire wood, fuel

Cynnulliad, n. a collection

Cynnull, v. to collect

Cynnulleidfa, n. assembly

Cynnuta, v. to gather fuel

Cynnutai, n. gatherer of fuel

Cynnwynol, a. natural

Cynnwys, n. admission, leave: a. compact, close: v. to contain: to harbour

Cynnwysder, n. compactness

Cynnwysedig, a. comprehended

Cynnwysfawr, a. comprehensive

Cynnwysiad, n. making compact, inclusion; epitome

Cynnydd, n. increase, growth

Cynnyddiad, n. an increasing

Cynnyddol, a. increasing

Cynnyddu, v. to increase

Cynnyg, n. proffer, offer; v. to offer; to tender

Cynnygiad, n. a proposition

Cynnygiol, a. tendering

Cynnygwr, Cynnygydd, n. a proposer

Cynnyrch, n. produce

Cynnyrchiad, n. production

Cynnyrchiol, a. productive

Cynnyrchioldeb, n. productiveness

Cynnyrchioli, v. to make productive; to become productive

Cynnyrchu, v. to increase

Cynnysgaeth, n. portion, fortune

Cynnysgaethiad, n. endowment, a settling, a fortune

Cynnysgaethu, v. to endow

Cynoes, n. first age, antiquity

Cynoesol, a. primevous

Cynosod, v. to prepose

Cynron, n. maggots, worms

Cynronllyd, a. maggotty

Cynronyn, n. a maggot

Cynryw, n. essence; purity

Cynrywiad, n. origination

Cynsail, n. a rudiment; a proposition; a sublinth

Cynsefydlu, v. to predetermine

Cynseilo, v. to premise

Cynsylwi, v. to foresee

Cynsymudiad, n. first motion

Cynsyniad, n. pre-surmise

Cynt, a. first, earliest, prime: ad. formerly, before

Cyntaf, a. first chief, earliest

Cyntafanedig, a first-born

Cyntedd, n. entry, porch

Cyntefig, a. primary, primitive

Cyntefigiad, n. origination

Cyntefigiaeth, n. primitive, state

Cyntefin, n. the first of May: a. amphibious

Cynteig, a. prime, or primal

Cyntenid, a. primogenial

Cynthun, n. first sleep, a nap

Cynwas, n. a chief minister

Cynwawl, n. primeval light

Cynwawr, n. a first dawn

Cynwe, n. end of a web

Cynwedd, n. first appearance

Cynweled, n. a foresight

Cynwelediad, n. foreseeing

Cynwyd, n. mischief: a evil