Page:A pocket dictionary, Welsh-English.djvu/94

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Chwaeth, n. savour, taste

Chwaethiad, n. a tasting

Chwaethu, v. to savour

Chwrethus, a. supid, gustful

Chwaf, n. a strong gust: adv. instantly

Chwai, a. active, brisk, alert

Chwaith, adv. neither

Chwaithach, adv. much less

Chwal, n. a spreading

Chwaladwy, a. dissipatable

Chwaliad, n. a scattering

Chwalu, v. to strew, to spread

Chwaneg, a. more: n. a greater quantity

Chwanegiad, addition

Chwanegol, a. additional

Chwanen, n. a flea

Chwannog, a. desirous, greedy

Chwannogi, v. to grow greedy

Chwant, n. appetite, lust

Chwanta, v. to lust, to covet

Chwantach, n. desire, lust

Chwantu, v. to lust, to covet

Chwantus, a. lustful, lusting

Chwap, n. a sudden stroke: adv, instantly

Chwapiad, a slapping

Chwapio, v. to strike, to slap

Chwardd, n. a laugh, laughter

Chwarddiad, n. a laughing

Chwarddol, a. laughing

Chwarddu, v. to laugh

Chwarddus, a. apt to laugh

Chware, n. play: v. to play

Chwarëad, n. a playing

Chwarel, dart; a lump, as from milk curdling in the breast

Chwareliad, a darting; a kerning

Chwarefu, to dart; a kern

Chwaren, n. a gland; a blotch

Chwarenaidd, a. like a gland

Chwareniad, n. a kerning

Chwarenog, a. full of glands

Chwarenol, glandulous

Chwarenu, v. to kern; to form blotches

Chwarëol, a playing, sportive

Chwareu, n. play: v. to play

Chwareuad, n. a playing

Chwareuaeth, n. diversion

Chwareudŷ, n. a theatre

Chwareufa, n. a theatre

Chwereugar, a. playful

Chwareuol, a. playful

Chwarëydd, n. a player

Chwarëyddes, n. a female player

Chwarëyddiaeth, n. play

Chwarf, n. a whirl; a fusee

Clrwarwriaeth, n. player’s art

Chwarwy, n. disport play

Chwarwyad, n. a disporting

Chwarwyo, v. to disport

Chwarydd, n. a player

Chwaryddes, n. a player

Chwaryddiad, n. a playing

Chwaryddiaeth, n. a play

Chwaw, n. a blast, a breeze

Chweban, n. a sextain

Chweblwydd, a. sexennial

Chwech, a. six

Chweched, a. sixth

Chwechedran, n. sixth part

Chwechedwaith, n. sixth time

Chwedeg, a. sixty

Chwedegfed, a. sixtieth

Chwedi, adv. then: prep. after

Chwedl, n. a saying, a fable, a story, a tale

Chwedla, to gossip

Chwedlai, n. a gossip

Chwedlëig, a. gossiping

Chwedleua, v. to gossip

Chwedleuaeth, n. a colloquy

Chwedleugar, a. fond of talk

Chwedleuo, v. to discourse

Chwedleuog, a. talkative

Chwedleuol, a. colloquial

Chwedleuydd, n. a discourses

Chwedlgar, a. loquacious

Chwedliad, n. a fabling

Chwedlu, v. to fable

Chwedlydd, n. a fabulist

Chwefr, n. violence, rage

Chwefrol, a. violent, severe

Chwefror, n. Febraury

Chwefru, v. to act violently

Chweg, a. dulcet, luscious

Chwegiad, n. dulcification

Chwegr, n. mother-in-law