Page:A pocket dictionary, Welsh-English.djvu/96

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Chwildroi, v. to turn dizzily

Chwilen, n. a beetle, a chafer

Chwilena, v. to pry; to pick

Chwilenai, n. a pilferer

Chwilfa, n. a research

Chwilfriw, a. all to pieces

Chwilfriwiad, n. a shattering

Chwilfriwio, v. to shatter

Chwilfynwg, n. the neck joint

Chwilgi, n. a prying dog

Chwilgorn, n. a pivot, a reeling

Chwiliach, v. to pry; to pilfer

Chwiliad, n. scrutiny, search

Chwiliadol, a. searching

Chwiliadwy, a. searchable

Chwilied, to search, to examine

Chwiliedydd, n. a searcher

Chwilio, v. to search, to seek, to look for

Chwiliogaeth, n. gorcery

Chwilioges, n. a sorceress

Chwiliores, n. a hornet

Chwilioryn, n. a maggot

Chwilog, a. whirling: n. the lesser guillemot

Chwilota, v. to catch beetles

Chwilotai, n. a pryer about

Chwim, Chwimiad, n. motion

Chwimio, v. to move briskly

Chwimiol, a. full of motion

Chwimp, n. a turn; a hap

Chwimwth, a. nimble, speedy

Chwimythder, n. nimbleness

Chwip, n. a quick turn: a quick, swift

Chwipiad, n. a whipping

Chwipio, v. to whip, to slap

Chwipyn, n. a quick turn: a quick, instantly

Chwistrell, n. a syringe

Chwistrelliad, n. a squirting

Chwistrellu, to syringe; to squirt

Chwitchwat, n. a sly pilferer

Chwith, a. sinister untoward

Chwithig, a. sinister, left

Chwithigrwydd, n. corruptness

Chwithio, v. to feel awkward

Chwithol, a. sinister

Chwithrwd, n. a rustling

Chwithrwd, v. to rustle

Chwiw, n. a whirl; an attack or fit of discease

Chwiwbigo, v. to pilfer

Chwiwdwll, n. a lurking hole

Chwiwell, n. a whirler; the widgeon; the female salmon

Chwiwgi, n. a sculking dog; a thief, a rogue

Chwiwiad, n. turning round

Chwiwian, v. to hunt about

Chwiwio, v. to fly about; to pry to pilfer

Chwiwladrad, n. a pilfering

Chwiwladrata, v. to pilfer

Chwiwleidr, n. a pilferer

Chwiws, n. widgeons

Chwychwl, pron. yourselves

Chwyd, n. ejection, vomit

Chwydalen, n. a blister

Chwydalu, v. to blister

Chwydaliaeth, n. gesticulation

Chwydawydd, n. a bufoon

Chwydawyr, n. viscous matter, said to drop from meteors

Chwydiad, n. a vomiting

Chwydo, v. to gesticulate

Chwydr, n. ejected matter

Chwydredd, n. ejected matter

Chwydu, v. to vomit

Chwydus, a. apt to vomit

Chwydd, n. a swelling

Chwyddiad, n. a swelling

Chwyddo, v. to swell out

Chwyddol, a. apt to swell

Chwyf, n. motion or stir

Chwyfain, v. fluctating

Chwyfiad, n. a stirring

Chwyfo, v. to stir, to waver

Chwyl, n. a turn; a course; a while; an event: ad. while, as long as

Chwyldro, n. a turn; a vortex

Chwyldroi, v. to whirl round

Chwylfa, n. an orbit, a course

Chwyliad, n. a rotation

Chywlo, v. to turn, to revolve