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The right ordering of Bees

¶VVHere the Hiues of Bees ought eſpecially to be placed. Cap. x.

ARiſtotle willeth the Hiues of Bees in the winter time to be placed in a warme place, and in the hotte ſeaſon of Sommer, in a colde place. Palladius Rutilius in his firſte Booke of huſbandrie teacheth that the fitteſt place for bees, is that, whiche is in a Garden, not farre or rather neare to the owners houſe, which by that meanes ſuffereth not the windes, nor the acceſſe of theeues or beaſtes.

Which alſo nouriſheth Trees growing on the Northſide of the place, the better to defend the cold ayre from them, & cleare ſprings or faire riuer water running by. Columella willeth the Hiues to be ſet open toward the ſouth, far from noyſe, & haunte of people and beaſtes, neyther in a hote nor colde place, for eyther of theſe do moleſt and harme the bees. Alſo that the hyues ſtande in the bottome of a valley, or if not ſo poſſible, then placed neare to the valley, the better and eaſier for the Bees to bring their food gathered to their hiues, and in anye caſe farre from ſtincking puddels, ditches, dung-heapes, and ſuch like filthy ſtinckes, which greatly annoye and endamage the bees beyng neare hande to their huies. M. Varro writing in his ſecond booke vnto a huſwife of the countrey, willeth her alſo to ſet the Hiues cloſe to hir houſe, and vnder ſome ſhed, & that far from ye noyſe of formes, whiche is mente from a groue or wood, leaſte through the woodde or groue neare hande, the ſame may giue the Eccho, whiche ſounde in verye deede the Bees do greatly hate. Virgil willeth buſhie trees to be planted and ſtand right before their hiues, like as the Peare tree is, the Peach tree, the Dake tree, many kyndes of Apple trees, the birche tree, Holy tree, the Bay tree alſo, not allowed for his goodneſſe, but bycause ye ſame giueth out muche honny, and al other trees which beare no bitter floures. And he willeth theſe plantes and hearbes to grow neare hande, as the Roſemary, the red and damaſke Roſe, the white Lillie, the Uiolets, the Flouredeluce, the Dryganye, the
