Page:A short history of nursing - Lavinia L Dock (1920).djvu/217

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A Short History of Nursing

Extensions of Nursing Field 201 in its own current literature, which it aims at plac- ing in at least one public library of every state. The first important extension of visiting nursing as a branch of public service, in which nurses them- selves were prime movers, was the Public school public school work. This was first nursing informally undertaken in an English town at the request of a teacher, by Amy Hughes, then a Queen's Nurse, who became later the superin- tendent of the Queen Victoria Jubilee Institute. Later, Honnor Morten, who had had a short period of hospital training and who was a member of the London County Council, was able to initiate public school nursing as a system, and Miss Wald, familiar with Miss Morten's achievement, per- suaded Dr. Lederle, Commissioner of Health in New York City, to try the experiment for a month (1902), the Henry Street Settlement contributing the nurse and her salary during the time. The success of the experiment, and how greatly this was due to the tact and skill of Lina Rogers, who was selected to make it, are well known. The New York Board of Health then appointed twenty-five nurses, a number since then greatly enlarged, and public school nursing was firmly grounded. The Philadelphia Visiting Nurse Society next repeated the experiment in the Philadelphia public