Page:A short history of nursing - Lavinia L Dock (1920).djvu/218

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A Short History of Nursing

202 A Short History of Nursing schools, and so the movement has spread from city to city and state to state. Public school nurses are now sometimes appointed by the board of education, sometimes by the board of health. The best results follow when the nurse and the medical inspector work together in the schools. But it has been clearly demonstrated that medical inspection alone brings no results. It is much better to begin with the nurse alone, if funds, or boldness, or both, are lacking among officials, for the nurse will soon bring the patients and the phy- sician together. The immense importance of public school nurs- ing and its far-reaching possibilities have impressed themselves fairly deeply in the popular mind. It has become a widespread system and a permanent field of work. As the consciousness deepens of the significance of public health and the basic charac- ter of child conservation it will become continually more highly developed. This now world-wide crusade, first advocated in Germany in 1899, received great impetus in this been various isolated efforts made against tuber- culosis. The first regular visitation of such cases The crusade against tuberculosis country from the publication of Dr. S. A. Knopf's prize essay, Tuberculosis a Disease of the Masses. There had