Page:A short history of nursing - Lavinia L Dock (1920).djvu/255

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A Short History of Nursing

Educational Developments 239 In 1 9 14 the University of Cincinnati completed an affiliation with the Cincinnati General hospital which presented some new features. The superin- tendent of the nursing school, Laura R. Logan, was made Professor of Nursing, and her chief assistants and instructors were also appointed on the uni- versity faculty, though the hospital itself was maintained as a city institution. The scheme of training was worked out on a co-operative basis, somewhat similar to the plan followed in the Cin- cinnati Engineering School, with alternating per- iods of intensive theory and intensive practice. During both the first and second years, the stu- dents devote their time for one term almost ex- clusively to study and class work, remaining at the same time in residence in the hospital. A course in public health nursing is offered for third- year students, and an elective course in teaching. Since 191 6 students wishing to qualify for their B. S. degree may take the five-year course including additional academic work. Graduates from other schools are also admitted for postgraduate courses. Another type of affiliation was worked out in 191 7 by the Department of Nursing and Health, and the Presbyterian hospital. New York. This applied only to students who wished to take a combined academic and professional course in