Page:A voyage to New Holland - Dampier.djvu/26

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The Preface.

certain Island call'd Pulo-Sabuti. After which, passing to the Northward, we ranged along the Coast to the Eastermost part of New Guinea: which I found does not join to the main Land of New-Guinea, but is an Island, as I have described it in my Map, and call'd it New Britain.

It is probable this Island may afford many rich Commodities, and the Natives may be easily brought to Commerce. But the many Difficulties I at this time met with, the want of convenience to clean my Ship, the fewness of my Men, their desire to hasten home, and the danger of continuing in these Circumstances in Seas where the Shoals and Coasts were utterly unknown, and must be searched out with much Caution and length of time; hindred me from prosecuting any further at present my intended Search. What I have been able to do in this Mat-