Page:A voyage to New Holland - Dampier.djvu/27

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The Preface.

ter for the Publick Service, will, I hope, be candidly receiv'd; and no Difficulties shall discourage me from endeavouring to promote the same End, whenever I have an opportunity put into my Hands.

May 18. in our return, we arrived again at Tymor. June 21, we past by part of the Island Java. July 4, we anchored in Batavia-Road; and I went ashore, visited the Dutch General, and desired the Privilege of buying Provisions that I wanted; which was granted me. In this Road we lay till the 17th of October following; when, having fitted the Ship, recruited my Self with Provisions, filled all my Water, and the Season of the year for returning towards Europe being come; I set Sail from Batavia, and on the 19th of December made the Cape of Good Hope; whence departing Jan. 11, we made the Island of Santa Hellena on the 31st; and February the 21st. the Island