Page:Abroad - 1882.djvu/48

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L OOK at Mère Victorine
At her stall in the street
With the lily and rose,
And the white marguerite,
She makes pretty bouquéts
The whole of the day:
There are buyers in plenty
Who pass by that way.
Little Basil and Amélie,
Watching her, stand:
Up to Mère Victorine
Basil stretches his hand,
Can't you spare me," says he,
"A morsel of green,
Or one sweet little flower,
Good Mère Victorine?"
"If you come for a flower,
Fray where is your sou"
Answers Mere Victorine,
" I can't give one to you—
Such flowers as mine
Are for selling, you know ;
You must go to the country,
Where wild flowers grow."