Page:Account of the last words of Christian Kerr.pdf/11

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Who died at Edinburgh.

bert in the chamber, ſhe ſaid Roby kiſs me; and then added this may be the laſt kiſs you'll ever get from me, I ever loved Roby well, love you Chriſt: I cannot ſpeak much to you now, mind what I have ſaid to you before, Seek the Lord, they that ſeek him early ſhall find him. 'Seek and ye ſhall find, knock and it ſhall be opened unto you;' for I have ſought, and have found; I have knocked, and it was opened unto me. Then turning and looking to her father, who was at her other hand, ſhe cried out, Oh! ſhall I not love Chriſt? Shall I not love him who hath taken away my hard heart, and given me a heart of fleſh, to tremble at his word? To her mother alſo ſhe ſaid, O mother! I will get Chriſt, I will get him, I will get him: her mother anſwered, you will not miſs your brother then? No, ſaid ſhe, I will not miſs you, far leſs him, ſhe deſired that all ſhould join with her. Being deſired of her mother to go to bed, and the fervant being deſired to lift her ſoftly. Yes, lift me, ſaid ſhe, within a little Chriſt will come and lift my ſoul to glory.

She ſpake likewiſe of Meſſrs John Hamilton, and William Creighton, miniſters alſo in Edinburgh; but their relation of her diſcourſe to them being omitted, no particular account can be given of it. Had there been a deſign at fiſt of publiſhing her ſpeeches to the world, greater collections might have been made. But her parents having no thought of committing them to point, a great part of them were omitted. Some, what of Mr Hamilton's ſpeech to her was, that he uſed to go to perſons ſick-beds, and on their deathbeds to ſpeak to them for their edification. But, child ſaid he, I think that God hath called me hither to be edified by thee, O that an atheiſt were no where! may not this confute thoſe who deny God, and the power of God; here is a ſermon indeed! I know not, ſaid Mr Creighton, what can I do here, but pray with this child, and thank God on her behalf; for out of the mouths of babes and ſucklings he will perfect his praiſe.