Page:Account of the last words of Christian Kerr.pdf/12

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The laſt words of Chriſtian Kerr,

On Wedneſday being the fourth of the month aforeſaid, about ten o'clock in the forenoon, this bird of paradiſe finiſhed her courſe. She was not afraid of the king of terrors; her Redeemer being ſtung on the croſs, took away from her the ſting of death, and changed the king of terrors, into the king of deſires. Upon the wings of joy and delight did ſhe behold the Orient beams of the Sun of righteouſneſs, and drinks of the wine of the heavenly Canaan, and tree of the eternal fruits of the tree of life, and hears the muſic of the angels, and reſts on the bed of glory, which is perfumed with love. If the joy of faith was ſo ſweet, how raviſhing muſt the joy of fruiton be! If ſhe exalted and adored Chriſt ſo much at a diſtance, with what wonder and delight is ſhe now transported within the chambers of his presence? We are in the ſea of trouble, but ſhe has got into the harbour, where ſhe will not ſin, nor ſuffer any more, but exalt the praiſe of free grace, as long as immortality endures.



Containing the improvement of the proceeding relation.

What is above related ſerves, in the firſt place, for information: and in the ſecond place, for confutation.

1. It informs us of the excellency of Chriſt, ſince the ſaints, or all ſuch as have opened eyes, do in life and death, ſo much admire him, love him, flee to him, depend on him, long for him, rejoice in him, magnify him, he muſt be the fountain of bleſſedneſs, a wonder of delights, and a conſtellation of glories.