Page:Account of the last words of Christian Kerr.pdf/2

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Christian Reader,

"The parents of this child, who have intereſt in my pariſh, had remarked in write the enſuing ſpeeches immediately after hearing them, for their own comfort, and the private uſe of their ſurviving children; being far from any deſign of publiſhing them to the world; but when they were reviſed, it was found they did evidence ſo much of the ſpirit of grace and adoption in the child, that it would be a fault to ſuppreſs them, and not to ſend them abroad for the public benefit, to the conviction and edification of others; for which the parents of the child were, from time the time, ſolicited to allow to ſame to be printed."

"Such diſcoveries of Chriſt, and communications of grace vouchſafed to a child, are rare and admirable, and therefore ſhould not be let paſs without notice.——Albeit the body of this child was broke, andmade like a ſkeleton through long trouble, yet her words were wiſe and regular, and expres'd with great vehemency and ardour for the dread impreſſions of Chriſt, and the recompence of reward that were on he ſpirit.