Page:Across Thibet Vol. 2.djvu/238

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Fage, Father, II. 177, 195.

Falcons, I. 199.

Fat mixed with bread, I. 43 ; for frost-bitten

foot, 196. Feet, »08t-bitten, I. 196. Ferghana, The, I. 40, 44, 68. Ferrier Mountain, I. 188. Fieldfares, I. 67. Figs, I. 42.

Fir-trees, II. 144 ; forests of, 147. Flour purchased at Kourla, I. 43. Fording a river. Novel mode of, II. 134. Forests on mountains, I. 23. Fossils at 19,000 feet, I. 209. Fou-Un, II. 215. Foxes, I. 135, 188; 11. 163. Frost-bitten feet, 1. 196. Frozen geysers, I. 211, 215. Frozen meat, I. 211.

Gabet, missionary, I. Ill, 203; II. 36, 177,

195. Garments made from the tchiga plant, I. 68;

from wild hemp, 91. Gashar, I. 97. Gatine, II. 92, 93. Gazelles, I. 23, 69, 79, 133, 135. Geese, Wild, I. 78, 88 (note) ; II. 95. G codes J I. 76.

Geographical Society of England, I. 111. Geysers, Frozen, I. 211, 215. Ghadik River, I. 38.

Gill, English explorer in Thibet, II. 195. Giometchou River, II. 152 ; breadth at Lamda,

154 Giraudot, Father, II. 204. Goats of nomads, II. 94. Gobi Desert, Mongolia, The, I. 62, 128. Goitres, II. 116, 156, 215. Gold said to be found at Kizil Sou River, I.

lo6. Gold mines in the neighbourhood of Bokalik,

I. 164. Goumbas, I. 62. Granite in the valley of the Djahan-Sal, I.

133. .Grapes, I. 42. Grass of the highlands. Peculiar character of

the, I. 212; dicing, II. 114. Gratou, unsociability of inhabitants, II. 139. Greediness of Thibetans, II. 6. Grottoes, II. 144. !

Gulls, White, II. 95. I

Haiphong, II. 219.

Hami, Oasis of, I. 44.

Handglasses given to natives, II. 30.

Hannibal crossing the Rhone, I. 61. '

Hanoi, II. 219.

Hares, I. 67, 108, 109, 163, 165, 168, 203,

210. Haschipch, Smoking, I. 114, 149. Hassar, Village of, II. 163 ; a street in, 164. ^ Hastings, Ixird, I. 41. j


I Headache relieved by snow, II. 116.

Hemp, I. 20.

Henry, Prince, of Orleans, I. 2, 6; kills a stag, 28 ; photographs a lama, 30 ; photo- graphs some Torgots, 38 ; 46 ; threatened with arrest at Kourla, 49 ; 1 16 ; 1 20 ; peril- ous position of , 1 35 ; 147; 158; 172; 174; 175; 178; finds the track of Kalmuck pilgrims, 194 ; leads the camels, 195, 196; 197; kills two orotigos^ 200; kills a yak, 205 ; 212 ; photographs the fii-st Thibetan native encoimtered by the travellers, II. 2 ; photog^phs a Thibetan dwelling, 24 ; 220. ! Hermit, Dwelling of a, II. 96.

Hone^^noon before marriage, II. 134. I Hong-Kong, II. 219. I Hop-vines, I. 20.

Horso-stealing by the Kirghis, I. 27.

Horses, Fastening up, in the desert, I. 77 ;

instinct of, 84, 108; lost on the moun- 

tains, 181 ; effect of frost on the eyes of, 195; death of, from over-drinking, 206; loss of strength from cold, 212; feeding on raw flesh, II. 67 ; cleverness of, 101 ; of Tsonron, 173.

Hot springs, I. 205, 211, 217; II. 36, 159.

Houmda, II. 149.

Hoimds, I. 125.

Houses, Material used in the construction of, II. 149, 154 ; decorations on, 191.

Hue, Father, his narratives of travel, I. 2, HI; 203; II. 26, 36; and the relics of Catholic ritual in Thibet, 85 ; 177, 195.

Huns, The, and their horses, I. 61.

Huts of Thibetans, II. 114.

Hydromel, II. 122.

la-La Mountain, II. 103, 108.

Iab»han plant. The. I. 174, 211.

I^a, servant to the travellers, I. 114, 149 ; II.

90. Ice, Cones of, I. 211.

Hi, Province of, I. 7 ; fertility of, 7 ; its trans- ference to China, 8 ; emigration from, 9 ;

and the Torsrots, 35, 46; sheep of, 71. Images of Buddha used for healing purposes,

I. 16 ; deposited on obos^ 31 ; given to

Thibetans, II. 140. Imatch, camel-driver, I. 26 ; his reflections

about camels and sheep, 71 ; 112, 141, 196;

his feet frost-bitten, II. 7; illness of, 25;

his death, 31. Inns, Chinese, Filthiness of, II. 192, 212, 215. Instinct of a horse, I. 84. Intchigud-Darya River, The, I. 62. "Invisible horsemen," I. 216. Iron manufactorj- at Lagoun, II. 150. Ithaginis, II. 153*.

Jasmine, II. 194.

Jujube- trees, I. 38, 68.

Junipers, II. 35, 107, 112, 115, 116, 144, 147.

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