Page:Across Thibet Vol. 2.djvu/239

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Across Thibet.



Eabchigu6-gol, Defile of, I. 31 ; meaning of

word, 32. Kala Mountain, II. 155. Kalmucks, llie: their characteristics and harsh treatment by the Kirghis, 1. 10; and the Torgots, 35; and the inhabitants of Aktarma, 64; 103, 148, 176, 194; II. 13. Kama, The, I 3. Kampir plant, The, L 174. Kara Koum, The, I. 62. Karakoutchoun, I. 97, 98. Kara Bourane River, I. 107, 109. Karako3ruk, I. 98. Karashar, Lake of, I. 38; (Governor of, and

the traYollers, 47, 51 ; 103. Kara Shote, I. 146. Kargalik (TcharkaUk), I. 97, 98. Kanmcta, II. 143. Kash, The, I. 8, 11. Kashgar, Emigrants from, I. 8 ; 9 ; governed

by Yakoob-Beg, 40. Kela Mountains, II. 116.

Kemezetiantchd Lake, 1. 107. I

Ken-Si, II. 108, 123. K^r^mata, Abdu, I. 80. Khan of the TorgoU, The, II. 43. Khiva, I. 62. Khotan, I. 98.

Kin-sha-Kian^ River, II. 194. Kirghis, Siberian, 1.9; their depredations on Kalmucks, 10; wearing tablets as pass- ports, 11; formation of their skulls, 14; source of livelihood, and cheerfulness, 20 ; addicted to horse-stealing, 27 ; feuds with the Mongols, 28 ; their broad faces, 58 ; 66. Kissing amongst natives, I. 127. Kitchou River, II. 100. Kizil Sou River, L 111, 116, 121; gold said to

be found at, 136. Kontche-Darya, The, 1. 40, 42, 57, 58 ; raft for

crossing the, 60. Koushou, II. 186, 187. Koukou Nor, I. 203. Koukou Nor River, I. Ill ; II. 77. Koukouiamanes, I. 143. Koul toukmit Koul, Plain of, I. 63. Xoulam, I. 133, 147, 165, 174, 177, 205; IL

27. Koura Da wan Mountain, I. 134, 140. Kountsetinne, II. 191.

Kourla, 1. 40, 41 ; general appearance, and the people of, 42; the travellers threatened with arrest at, 47; start of the caravan from, 52 ; chiefs of, and the travellers, 55- 57; 98; 111. Koushoune, II. 159. Kreitner, explorer in Thibet, II. 196. Kuldja, I. 4 ; Russian consul at, 6; 39, 58,

112, 120. Kumshap Khan, I. 92. Kunges, Valley of the, I. 12, 19. Kunshi Khan Beg, I. 82, 84, 89. Kuntchi Khan, a Lob chief, I, 132.

Lagoun, IT. 149; iron manufactory at, 150. Lake of Cones, I. 203. Lake Montcalm, I. 205, 206. Lama, Qrand, Description of a, and his recep- tion of travellers, I. 15, 16. Lamaism, Supposed derivation of, II. 143. Lamas, Tents of the, L 13, 18, 83; appear- ance of the, II. 42 ; chanting prayers and blowing trumpets, 51, 52; makers of medi- cine, 63; travelling, 101, 102; of the monastery of So, 106 ; training-school for, 117 ; initiation of, 126 ; mendicant, 132 ; of Karimeta, 141 ; female, 142; house of, at Djala Pass, 148; of Ouoshishoune, 160; house at Dzerine, 163; house at Dotou, 167; of Changka, 183. Lamda, II. 152, 163 ; the Giomtchoa River at,

154. Lam6, II. 152.

Lammergeiers, II. 35, 53, 102. Landscape, A typical Pomeranian, I. 65. Lao-kai, II. 219.

Larks, L 67. 178, 182, 199, 211 ; II. 80, 93. Laroze, M., II. 219. Latchou River, II. 169. Leduc, M., French consul at Mong-tse, II.

219. Leindiinne, II. 188. Lendjoune, II. 166. Lepsinsk, I. 20.

Lhassa, Supplications brought from, I. 15 statue of Grand Lama of, 16; 19, 103; route to, by the Kizil Sou, 111; pilgrims from, 155 ; 218 ; II. 6, 7, 8, 18 ; the " city of spirits,*' 33 ; ambassadors from, 36, 37 ; the Amban of, 37-45 ; visit to the travel- lers at Dam of chiefs from, 55 ; a hotbed of intrigue, 69 ; presents for the travellers from, 84 ; reputed resort of countless pil- grims, 188. lilac- trees, II. 155. Liquorice-plants, I. 12, 20, 38. Litang, II. 204.

Lob Nor, The, I. 4, 49, 51, 52, 62, 63, 73 ;

journey to, 76; characteristics of the

people in, 80 ; the great " lake " of, 90,

109; work of the sand at, 99, 110, 206.

Lobi chiefs refuse aid to the travellers, I.

122. Lobis, The, I. 144, 145, 169, 170. Loczi, explorer in Thibet, II. 196. Lolos, The, II. 216. Lorin, Henri, I. 2. Lottery, A singular, near Seresumdo, II. 132.

Macaroni, Chinese, I. 84.

Madman at Bata-Soumdo, The, and the mir- ror, II. 118.

Mahomet, Festival of, at TcharkaUk, I. 115.

Maktchou River, II. 167.

Malthusianism, Religious, II, 155.

Mandnlik, I. 146.

Mandarins, The, and passports for foreigners, I. 6 ; enticing Russian peasants to settle in

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