Page:Across Thibet Vol. 2.djvu/240

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Chinese territory, 9 ; of Kourla, 44 ;

threatening travellers, 57; from Lhassa,

66;of Changka, II. 178. Mardian Agha, I. 97. Mamage customs, I. 100, 106 ; II. 122-127,

134. Marseilles, II. 219.

Massacre of Thibetans by the Sopkou,II. 165. Mazar, I. 8, 9, 11. Meat, Frozen, I. 211. Mekong River, II. 152. Melons, I. 39, 42, 46, 64. Mendicant lamas, II. 1 32. Mesny, explorer in Thibet, 11. 196. Mienshari, I. 97. Mill, Thibetan, U. 23.

Mirages, due to salt, 1. 76, 108, 126, 168 ; II. 16. Mission, Destruction of the Batang, II. 176,

202. Monastery, Lama, I. 16, 16, 18; at So, II. 93,

106, 112. Money-lender at So, A, II. 108, 111. Mong-tse, II. 219. Mongols, Physiognomy of, I. 10 ; method of

threshing wheat, 12; tea-drinking of, 16 ;

poverty and imcleanliness, and the ugliness

of the women, 19 ; their feuds with the

Kirghis, 28; physical traits, 35, 97; II.

166. Monkeys, I. 210; II, 96, 156. Montcalm Lake, I. 205, 206. Moscow, I. 3. Moula Kourghan, I. 163. Mountain sickness, I. 141, 142, 166; remedy

for, 166, 183. Mountains covered with forests, I. 23 ; with

surfece of salt, 30 ; Buddhist inscription

on, 31; a wilderness of, 198-218; like

waves, 204 ; Dupleix, 206, 207 ; enormous

altitude of, 207. Music and dancing at Tchinagi, I. 59. Musk-deer, II. 120, 147, 154. Mutton, Salted, at Kourla, I. 43.

Nain-Singh, the pundit, II. 34.

Namtso, 1. 158, 218; II. 8, 11, 23 ; description of, 38; arrival of travellers at, 34; the " Heavenly Lake," 54.

Naptchou, The, II. 77, 92.

Natural History Museum, Paris, and the col- lection of M. Bonvalot, I. 206 (note).

Nia, I. 164.

Niaz, Death and burial of, I. 191-193.

Nigan, II. 83.

Nijni-Novgorod, I. 3.

Nilka, The, I. 12.

Ningling Tangla, H. 8, 11^ 12, 27, 32; striking appearance of, 33, 74.

Nioumay or turnip, II. 115; cattle fed with, 143.

Nouniaz Agha, I. 97.

Oak-trees, 11. 172. Obo Pass, I. 143.

Obos, L 31, 32, 168, 210; n. 99, 128, 103;

enormous specimen at Tchoungo, 143; 187. Oil, Sesamum, I. 43.

Ointment on the faces of Thibetans, II. 5. Omdjamtchou River, II. 100. Omsk, I. 3. Omtchou River, II. 99. Opium-smoking, II. 108, 212. OrongoH, I. 178, 188, 194, 201. Orosses (Russians), I. 35. Ouloug Koul, I. 66 ; reception of travellers

by the chief of, 67. Ouoshishoune, II. 159 ; lamas of, 160. Ourga, II. 62. Ouroumitchi, I. 47, 159. Ourtchou River, II. 92, 99. 100. Ouzoun Tchor River, I. 146, 149.

Pa-Lan (i.e., English or Russians), II. 14, 15.

Pashalik, I. 146.

Pagoda of a Lama monastery. Description of a,

I. 18; at Djala Pass, IL 147. Palao-meat, L 28, 144, 163, 211. Pamir, The, I. 2, 41; IL 27, 102. Pansies, 1. 28.

Parasols of Chinese soldiers, II. 178. Paris, Route to Tonquin from, I. 2; exhibi- tion of, 2, 3. Parpa, servant of the travellers, I. 43, 44 ;

beats natives of Arkan, 70; 112; 117; 156;

170; n. 25,90. Partridges, I. 35, 142, 165, 168, 210; IL 113,

154. Passports, I. 6; amongst the Kirghis, 11;

demanded at Kourla, 46; shown to a

Thibetan chief, IL 19 ; for missionaries at

Tatsien-Lou, 204. Peat pits, I. 30. Pekin, L 112.

Pelisse of Thibetan, IT. 2, 18. Pepper-trees, I. 20. Potchili, Gulf of, 1.41. Petzoflf, Russian traveller, I. 73. Pheasants, in the valley of the Kunges, I. 12 ;

67, 153; IL 163. Phenomenon, Electric, 1 1. 114. Photographing a lama, I. 30 ; some Torgots,

38. Pickpockets at Kourla, I. 61. Pigeons, II. 27. Pigtails of Thibetans, II. 8. Pilgrims, L 150, 155: camp of, 195, 196; II.

133. Pine forests, IL 156, 173. Pipes for smoking, Thibetan, II. 114. Pirojki, I. 84.

Ploughing, Methods of, II. 112, 164. Poioundo, IL 120. Poisoned rivers, I. 68. Polyandry-, 1 1. 124. Polygamy, IL 124, 126. Pomeranian landscape, A typical, I. 65. Ponies of Thibetans, II. 5. Poplars in the ^-alley of the Kunges, I. 12;

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