Page:Advaiti Management.pdf/21

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the last fifty years peoples’ awareness was kindled for bread alone. Each one must get bread. Better bonus will not make soldier a better fighter, Those who think only of their bread, may sell security secrets to enemy, Most of the Japanese do not do so and therefore the borders of the State remain protected.

If you think rationally then Param Vir Chakra is not useful for getting a meal in the day. And if I do not survive what is the use of medal to me? If I die what is the use of medal or money? This is a very rational thought. Everyone knows that wisdom. If you die in fight you will go to heaven and if you are successful you will earn the kingdom on this earth is a logical assumption, because the heaven is imaginary, why not accept the suzerainty of a superior power? Many in this country have opted for this view in our history.

If our Indian Managers keep in mind this identity of self with Universe and learn to have common goals with their co-workers on this basis, they would understand their powers to be functions of their hierarchical positions. They would not remain trapped in seeking gains for their individual positional reality. Then it will be possible for them to accept Equality as a basic value and its implementation will be easy. If any suggestion comes for improvement in methods or practices then it will be easy to support it and there will be no desire to suppress it. It will not be ignored. The higher step is that all authorities, powers are to be used for the benefit of the enterprise and not for self glorification. Equality between all organs will be underscored for the ultimate benefit of the enterprise.

This will need an understanding of the individual ‘self’. You will have to forget the outer trappings and concentrate on your core. How do I see myself as an accounts manager/ personnel manager/ research manager in order to enhance my organisation? Once this belief in your self is established, then how to behave as a Manager, how to lead others will be easy to understand. Search of this self will lead to the individual's growth through transformation.

How will I change, how will I blossom, how will I fructify and how will I reach my individual goals will be clear to my eyes if I start with this definition of self. Normally people believe that their human body is their self. It is a Dehabhav. Likewise the position of an accounts manager/ personnel manager/ research manager in the organisation is but an external detail. The answer to the question who am I is that Atman 31eHeT which resides in this body. The body is its clothes. Body is a carrier of this Soul. This search is to be undertaken by every individual for himself. It is an important step in Spirituality. So also, you in unity with your co- workers, represent the organisation in this particular trapping, the real self of your organisation, with which you can identify, is in every function,

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