Page:Advaiti Management.pdf/22

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every individual in equal measure.

In Western management techniques, physiology, sociology, economics, human being is considered only as the manifest body. Body is the only reality. In religious doctrine there is no freedom for the soul. The individual can be happy only by grace of God; can achieve emancipation through divine grace. Only if you follow the rules of your behaviour as prescribed by religious Book then only you can you reach heaven. This is religious position. As against that, the Indian premise is that an individual is free Karta and acquires his or her salvation by his or her own actions. This freedom is not for the body but for the self which is beyond body-

There are many people who do not believe in any religion. Many educated people in our country follow rituals like visit to temples, Pujapath and other rituals and are believers in religion. But religious thought is kept out of workplace under the pretext of secularism. If I do not work as per expectations, if I shirk work or did not work at all but collected my pay, then nobody thinks it is irreligious behaviour. Keeping my part of the bargain is not considered to be my duty at all. Dereliction of duty by worker or manager is not considered as a wrong in morals or in religion by society. It is defined as misconduct under law. What nobody bothers about is defining good moral conduct. Trade Unions do not consider it as their duty, managers also do not consider it to be part of their responsibility, and workers themselves do not bother to think about it.

Anyone who works he must know what is his or her work- even simple tasks like typing, filing, assembling parts relates to ultimate goal of being in business is. It is only then that incremental improvements in small jobs are possible. Avoidance of small mistakes is achieved, frauds are detected in time, and in general huge mistakes or losses are averted. It can avoid catastrophies provided the good in each case is thought about, propagated and implemented at each level of the production hierarchy.

Individual-society-environment and the supreme reality are

linked in the same chain. The religions try to educate people about the - Individual and Supreme reality and their internal connection. Religions are not making it part of their duty to educate about the internal linkage between society and the environment. Nobody therefore tells people how they should behave as a Manager, Trader, Worker or as a Consumer and what value system they should follow. This is not consciously disseminated by any religious authority. It is assumed that it will come naturally to the People but it does not happen automatically. Connections between Positive behavioural patterns at large and workplace activity for an individual have to be seen and defined by the Managers. It really needs to be taught. Thought leaders in India have not done this. Good citizenship behaviour, nationalist feelings cannot be spread by printing a book of Constitution of

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