Page:Advaiti Management.pdf/23

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India. This neglect is continued on that wrong assumption.

Western social thinkers are searching for these eternal values, They are trying to find out whether India can contribute in this effort. It is possible to have an eternal value system independent of religious or sectarian rigidities and rituals, is the basic assumption in India, which it has proved workable. We now have an opportunity to show it to world.

Management is a Universal discipline, but connecting these ideas to our common Indian roots by going deeper into the rationale, and deep understanding because that basis is more rational and has capacity to expand all over the world. To realise the goal of civilising the world is Possible if remember these roots. Indian Management must have this distinctness and must show it to the world. @Udat faarey 31h! Let us Civilise the Universe can be our Goal.

Adhyaya 5

If you keep your mental picture of ‘self’ restricted to your body (Deha) then how much that self can grow or expand becomes limited by definition. Your age, your health come before you as limitations. The pain and pleasure experienced by your body, experiencing good or bad feelings, become very limited in scope.

If you are a Manager or Supervisor the most important issue before your assistants is why should they work for your comfort? This is more particularly true in big organisations when salary is paid by the organisation and supervisors’ persona limits the horizon to suit his needs. What the assistant receives is thus not directly related to the supervisor or Manager. He can stop increment but he cannot give more increments. In his self concept there is no room for his juniors. He does not in fact give monetary salary, nor does he give psychic salary. Why should anyone work for You? The manager has to answer this question at least to himself. That limited horizon of manager starts getting narrower and narrower. Progressing from caterpillar to Butterfly becomes almost impossible, You can dream of becoming a bigger and fatter caterpillar, as that becomes the limit. If you expand idea of yourself growing up to Universal Entity then a huge space unfurls before your mind. The framework of your mind gets enlarged before you, the widening horizons become visible to you. A transformation from caterpillar to Butterfly becomes a possibility.

After all, what does the caterpillar do? It draws into its self, Produces threads and keeps itself busy in the cocoon of its making. It gives up the physical body of the caterpillar, discards the small and limited life of creeping, moving only on land or branch of a tree. It makes it Possible for itself to fly and see larger world around by flying from flower

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