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to flower. In case of caterpillar all these changes happen physically. The life in the caterpillar and the butterfly is same as we can see. Human mind is capable of thinking bigger than the body unlike a caterpillar. By keeping the same small ephemeral body as a context it can conceive the idea of Space, Universe and Time.

All living beings live in here-and-now span. We do not know whether non-humans are in a position to think of yesterday/today and tomorrow or Time. In case of Human beings, they can certainly understand it. Therefore they can differentiate between past, present and future. They connect themselves to past, live in present and can dream of the future. Human being is capable of this feeling of time and brings in tensions and mental pressures on his mind. Without changing body, one can connect oneself to eternity and expand oneself beyond one's body with others. One can change one’s mind and bring about changes in one’s surroundings. If a person thinks only about his own body and only in the present then one becomes small. One cannot grow. One remains a dwarf. One's capacity to think of visualising the future and the past can make one grow beyond the confines of one’s body, and without overt physical changes one can become a Butterfly.

Because this power of mind one can remember the things that have happened in the past. One can bring before one’s eyes the past events. One’s mind can travel faster than the speed of light. In one’s mind one can go to any past event or place visited earlier. One can bring before one’s mind’s eye any place, area, event, or scene, while keeping one's body at the same place and time.

This will make two things clear. Each one of us has it in his or her's capacity to become a butterfly from caterpillar. It is up to us to keep it under wraps, or allow it to develop. Physical body of a person is too small and limited entity. Mental entity of a person is capable of expansion and


According to Adwait philosophy, suggested way to search for self expects one to go deeper into the mind and that is the way to enlarge one's personality. Going deeper into the search, one can accommodate many or even the world in that definition. It is possible to see beyond the material world. This idea of infinity is capable of accommodating the things beyond the material world and can see the connection of our self with Universal Reality. One can come out of the limitation of one’s body as

a limiting factor and expand oneself.

If you expand yourself, grow yourself, then you can accommodate others in your concept of self. Individual’s own bodily pain, pleasure, remorse, profit, loss, is least important from the perspective of the society.

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