Page:Advaiti Management.pdf/26

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This is a very basic and fundamental problem. Management, Quality and standard of Management are dependent on it. A leader whose concept of self does not extend beyond his body, who cannot imagine beyond his body as self, whether he is an owner, political leader, manager or supervisor, keeps the concept of self of his juniors at limited level of his self concept. His juniors are bound to feel suffocated. If one’s mental framework is narrow, and restricted to his/her physical pleasure, then where would there be any space for your assistant’s ideas and growth? What interest will they have? Is it not natural that they will also work at the minimum required level of possibility?

Each supervisor has to ask himself this question. Will you allow your juniors to become butterflies or will you attempt to keep them at caterpillar level? The answer to this question is also to be searched for by him. Every living organisation or business is always a growing or a decaying entity. There is no stationary position in nature. This will explain why the organisations or companies established by law by government are lifeless and afraid of competition. Growth or death are the only alternatives before industrial and professional organisations just like a human body. When business dies then the jobs die is a simple rule. If we take the example of Textile Mills in Mumbai this will become very clear. Such examples are too many.

People want JOBS they are not necessarily interested in WORK. It is not taught by anyone that one’s social worth depends on one’s work and not on one’s Job Title. I need the existence of surrounding society; society is not dependent on me. My productive work connects me to the society. This simple truth is often forgotten. A person who cannot think beyond himself cannot think such simple thought, All management problems contain a clue to their solutions in that basic reality.

Adhyay 6

When the boundaries on minds of the leaders and or the spectra of their imagination are expansive, then the followers enjoy a larger area for their own growth. For this reason any Manager or leader should undertake search of his self For this reasonthe leader's quality is tested by ability to keep a broader target before his or her followers. People ask other people to work only for the bread alone treat their followers only at the animal level. Bread is important for everyone. It is necessary but not enough. Itis a primary need, but not a sufficient reason to live. If you limit your responsibility to give jobs, give money, or give wages as an employer, the entire discussion in labour-management relations revolves round a Bread: with or without butter, well-made or not, and then how to share it are the only matters of discussion in the labour management talks. It cannot go beyond the limits of this area. Then competition and the fight is only for

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