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those who get the better share, giving becomes robbing, and then the only rule can be carrot or stick. That becomes the guiding philosophy.

Every industrial entity, Company, or business organisation should have a primary aim beyond earning bread of their workers or shareholders, It should be much wider than mere bread. That wider purpose gets relegated once there is quarrel for the bread only. The purpose of the business that is Customer, gets ignored. Nobody bothers about the customer. Factories, Banks, and companies then start working for their employees only, If this continues, the business does not grow, it does not prosper, the size of the cake to be divided does not increase. The focus of labour management action rests only on the cake, Matsushita Company therefore puts national service through Industry as a first priority. They have fixed this as a super-ordinate goal. The company tries to inculcate it in the minds of its employees in their daily prayer. The capacity of the industry grows according to this concept. If the framework is small how many people can it accommodate? How many people can join it? How much energy can it connect?

The entrepreneur's context provides the texts of the People who work for him. They can fix their smaller frames within his big picture. Context of the organisation provides text for the people who work in it. In achieving effectiveness of the organisation this is a material factor.

Once the objective of the organisation is big, you are constantly reminded of smallness of your individual goals. Your dependence on society is underlined and it makes you humble. Humility is considered an important value in Indian Darsanas. If you really want to make humility a Part of your mental attitude, then you must remember this smallness of your ‘self* in the total scheme of things.

If you have wish or seek to control your mind you have to fix its polarity. You have to show it the correct direction. When a magnet is moved over a piece of iron, then the north and south poles get equalised and the magnetic force gets transferred to the piece of iron albeit temporarily. Even for a small period daily if you concentrate on observing silence, dhyan and controlling your breathing, then the mind gets trained at least temporarily. The idea that my body alone is my ‘self’ with attendant pride starts getting diluted. Your mind becomes willing and ready to think beyond your body and beyond bodily needs. Prayers, Collective Prayers, Callisthenics and some such rituals before starting daily work and normal daily routine are

aimed to achieve this polarisation of all minds of the people who work together into a common goal. Rgveda says:

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