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Wate Fautfer I: Samaana hridayaani vah, WaAEY al Het: Samaanmastu vo mano, WUT I: BASRA (to.2¥.83) Yatha vah susahaasati.

(Let our objective be common, let our Hearts be one, we shall spend our day in this equality.

Once this is achieved then we can proceed to fight to achieve goals before us. Any collective work needs this connecting of minds as a first step. Once you harmonise the minds of the people, it becomes easy to understand that though our roles in the drama may be different, our drama is one. Roles are small and big, there is a hierarchy of roles also, some are big and some are small roles, but we have equality as individuals. Jobs may be small or big but the bigger goal for all is the same. If you have to achieve big results, make impossible things possible, then we have to work in that spirit.

Those who work together they are like an orchestra, Each musician is playing a different instrument. Each instrument and every player are different from others but the score for all is the same. They have to play according to that score. If all are playing the same tune, to same score, then the listeners can experience ecstasy. There is a symphony. Failing that, even if each artist plays at his or her best, but to a different score then there will only be noise. There will be no pleasing music. You will not experience sublimation of your feelings. Indian philosophy therefore emphasises this equality of minds. Each player is not expected to play one instrument only. Insistence is on common score, common direction. This progression from one small self to all encompassing larger self is called param samya (XA AeA and Vinoba says that is the crux of philosophy of Gita. Abhidheyam param samyam is a basis of Indian philosophy.

In Western thought the individual is considered and treated as different from the society. Indian thought starts with the assumption that all individuals are like limbs of the same body. As your mind starts enlarging, including others into it becomes the primary purpose of the Social Organisation. Thoughts should start spreading from an individual to Society rather than the other way round. We are expected to think from self to Universe, not from society to an individual. In words of Vinoba, plural of ‘I’ is ‘We’. Therefore if I do not start, nothing will be started.

We must do this, we must have this and that, is a common talk. Society, State, Government must do this or that. If others are good to me I will be good to them. All these thoughts are of dependent variables. For behaving well, I do not need anyone's permission. I may have to start

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