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ing it. such dependence makes me lame and becomes Seren on acne. It takes er 4 oe hy i ition to change the world. I c a self : area oe eal oF this cody, HUMAN body changes itself or ed by changing its own cells. I have to fill up the gap in my cells. I must change, Iam one of many I's. The society is the joining factor. There is a common thread that joins all of us. My society is composed of many Kartas like me, This thought goes from an individual to the Society. No one will arrange for my deliverance. I will have to earn my Moksha (#tat) or Liberation.

The changes that I want in my Society should start with me and performed by me. I can improve myself. I can make myself humble, I can discard egotism. Once you understand this thought and start working on it, a lot of social problems become solvable. Most important thing is that when an individual starts working, rather than only thinking about un-solvability of problem, then some action starts. Nothing is achieved without someone starting .

There is a parable in Vedas. Once a group of ten people embarked on a hunting expedition in a thick forest. It was necessary for the group to remain in sight or hearing of each other. It was necessary to be near each other. It was necessary to keep track of each other from time to time. In such effort a person started counting the number of the group. He ran up to nine and then realised that one was missing. He cried halt to others and said there is some problem. One of us is missing. Worriedly, another member started counting and he also came to the conclusion that there were only nine of them. This counting was done by all of them and ten of them unanimously came to the conclusion that they were only nine and one was missing. It became a first priority to search for the missing member of the group. Then suddenly it dawned on one of them that they were making a small mistake. He said: ‘We are foolish to count our number without counting ourselves in it. We are worried that we are only

nine and one of us missing. Start counting yourself in the group then we are all ten’.

This is what happens when we start any social activity, including organised work. We expect others to be punctual. They must come on time for the meeting. I, however, need to be excused. Others must avoid unnecessary controversies in the meeting. Others must follow lane discipline while driving. Others must work with devotion and concentration. They must follow good practices. Our society must change. Our Union

should change. Our Housing society should change. Family members must improve themselves. We all agree on that 100 per cent.

What will I do? How will I change is not in our minds. It does not appear important to us. We try to improve the world, excluding ourselves. 26 �