Page:Advaiti Management.pdf/30

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The world does not change and I also do not change. Those who improved themselves, they succeeded in improving not only themselves, they improved their society as well.

Indian tradition therefore insists on you doing your duty. It does not teach you about your rights. By my following of duty, the rights of others get automatically protected. The Managers must remember this key to success.

Adhyay 7

In the discussion about management issues a choice of rights/ responsibilities naturally occurs. When more than two people come together this issue always crops up. What is the connecting factor between the scattered individuals, what is the energy that binds them, is a crucial issue. Different answers have been given by different philosophers for this perennial issue before mankind according to their own Darsanas. According to Bertrand Russell what is energy to physics is power to social dynamics. In the history of mankind various people have acquired and retained this Power in the name of Religion, on the basis of ownership of Property, on the strength of Organisation, or on the primal energy of Sex. These are considered focal points in society. Freud explains in terms of Sex, and Marx explains in terms of Wealth. According to Russell real point is Power, and the others are aspects of acquiring that power. If we keep this in mind many Social issues become easier to understand and we can understand social events in a more logical manner. Of course this Darsana is based on the assumption of moving from Society to Individual.

In contrast Indian philosophy starts with individual and goes to Society. The drive of the individual for money or sex becomes secondary in this assumption in power dynamics. The importance of an individual is dependent on his larger self image, so his money or lust becomes secondary in importance. People without money, like Saints and Seers have ruled the minds of people in India. It was so done on the basis of their enlightened self perception and resultant achievements.

Even Marx considered the Human being as a measuring rod of social development. His ideas are based on the concept of ethics. Being a materialist and Atheistic in approach, he assumed the ethical concept, that all human beings are children of God and therefore equal before God. He expanded it into economic sphere by asserting that all should be equal in economic sphere as well. All human beings appear different is a natural fact. They are different in colour, physical and mental strength, abilities and skills, which also is a natural fact. When you should assume their equality in economic sphere, it is very apparently not a fact. It is an ethical value. Western concept of equality is based on the assumption that they

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