Page:Aircraft in Warfare (1916).djvu/24

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  • Aircraft as Constituting a New or Fourth "Arm."
  • Primary and Secondary Functions of the Aeronautical Arm.
  • Aeroplane versus Airship or Dirigible—Speed Limitations.
  • Aeroplane and Dirigible in Armed Conflict.
  • Means of Attack and Defence.
  • Strategic and Tactical Uses of the Aeronautical Arm.
  • The Strategic Scout and its Duties.
  • Directing Artillery Fire by Aircraft.
  • Aircraft as Vulnerable to Gun-fire.
  • Armour and Altitude as Means of Defence.
  • Low Altitude Flying.
  • The Aeroplane in a Combatant Capacity—Armour Plate.
  • The Machine Gun in the Service of the Aeronautical Arm.
  • The Fighting Type of Aeroplane and its Future.
  • As Affecting the Cavalry Arm.
  • The Principle of Concentration.
  • The Value of Numerical Strength.
  • The N-Square Law.
  • The Principle of Concentration —Continued.
  • The N-Square Law in its Application.
  • Applications of the N-Square Law in Naval Warfare.
  • British Naval Tactics in 1805.
  • Nelson's Tactical Scheme—The N-Square Law at Trafalgar.