Page:Alaeddin and the Enchanted Lamp.djvu/102

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in the stead of thy father, since thou art his successor and whoso leaveth [a successor] is not dead, O my son.” With this he put his hand [to his pocket] and bringing out ten dinars, gave them to Alaeddin, saying, “O my son, where is your house and where is thy mother, my brother’s wife?” So Alaeddin took him and showed him the way to their house; and the magician said to him, “O my son, take these monies and give them to thy mother and salute her on my behalf and tell her that thine uncle is come back from his strangerhood; and God willing, to-morrow I will come visit you, so I may salute her and look upon the house wherein my brother dwelt and see where his tomb is.” Alaeddin kissed his hand and hastened home, running in his joy, to his mother and entered, contrary to his wont, for that he was not used to go in to her save at eating-times. So he went in to her, rejoicing, and said to her, “O my mother, I bring thee glad news of my uncle, in that he is come back from his absence, and he saluteth thee.” “O my son,” quoth she, “meseemeth thou makest mock of me. Who is thine uncle and whence hast thou an uncle on life?” And he said to her, “O my mother, why didst thou tell me that I had no uncles and no