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NINTH. Page. Fifth, sixth, and seventh questions submitted for decision ................... 61

The “voast"' referred to in the treaty, to which the mountains were to be parallel, and to the sinuosities of which, if the mountains failed, the line was to be dinuwn parallel, was the coast of all the interior waters, such as Taku Thlet end Lynn Chantielo.s 2.025225 s<sedeeceves sy escloaeas sae men

The meaning of the word “cote”? ae understood by the parties prior to the negation ‘of the treaty ol 1820-4 2c. ee Jaedeskot sen ntconss seen The meaning of “coast” as defined in the akase of September 4, 1821. . The unlerstanding of the United States and Creat Britain that the nkaxo Applied to the entivechhet = 222 .0t se steretoeotcncoente sateee

Claim of Grent Brituin to north weet vost 2.0.0... 2.0. 22 eee ee mee cere cece

Claim of United States to northwest comet. ..... 20.20. e eee ee ee ee ences

Beginning of the negotiations ............. Sab acat Reed a be acthcs can paaree eae

Negotiations of the treaty of 1825 did not proceed apon strict right, but upon considerations of mutual expedieney .........20eccereeceenaae The motives whieh actuated the parties were the alvantages to be secoret from controlling the rights of fishing and banting anil of trade with the natives along the coast, and the question of territorial soyer- eignty was directed towanl secnring these rights and not merely dominion over an extent of Jand ..... Send dhndcle ta vitae cede one te eee Certainty was desired in the treaty and the prevention of any disagree- able discussion in the future ....... yatn iva a ocnah ee basGeas Cone paeEe

The ineaning of “ete ’’ as shown by the negotiations ........-. Senta

Tha Abst wigdustion ng td-a line, -=.'5. cece tances ee ebeen eee ‘The seeond suggestion as to a line ......- Pe ee a canter sash The thinl migration a2 te-aclel. ci acisasceac.s seks cana caba poe The tirst formal proposal of Sir Charles Bagot ...............2.2...22- Canine pet lbw Tenet 2 cas oad cones a san a ealeas ean ne eae eee eee Amenmled proposal by Sir Charles Bagot ......0sceeeesscneeceerencees Final proyewition of Sir Charles Bagot .....-.....0000005 Hedena demas Final devision of Rossian plenipotentiaries .......-.----2-. 2-2. eeee eee Analysis as to the use of the worl “coast in the draft convention sni-

mitted hye dr. Gaining’: . 22. 2-28 2-2 eee eS Sees eee ee “The stall pemritiatitita 's «dense ce ductal oun ew

The meaning of *‘eoast” in Article VII of the treaty of 1825 .....0.....22.

Rane lap abt hie aprotiatiouse isc ctscces Son ace teseeseecansespteace aaa

Crete nee ti otitierids | OU Is oc cs oat nc tapecnre eaneece se Gnas Ue cone

The vontention of the Cuited States is that the negotiations did not mean “the mountains next the sea,’ bat mountains other than those bext the sea, ancl which constitutet a chain separated from the sca by intervening mountains which they intentionally rejected, and that they diel not contemplate iIndividnal tnonntains whose suniumits were to he connected together, or even short ranges, which have a trend across the line of coast of such waters as Taku Inlet and Tawnn Canal, bot a generally coutinuons ninge of mountains enpposel to lexi near the head ef Portland Canal and to continue with a general trend parallel with the coast, around the head of Lynn Canal, and that the mestimption of the existence of such a range and the:yreement in refer- enee to it was subordinate ty and in harmony with the fundamental portulate that ‘coast’? meant allef what eoul be included by that term and net anything less, to wit, all of the northwest coast of America north of 4° 40’ over which Russia had claimed jurisdiction. .




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