Page:Alaskan boundary tribunal (IA alaskanboundaryt01unit).pdf/9

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Fiith, sixth, and seventh inestions—Continnerl. Page, Créte des montagnes—Continued. The nape accessible to the negotiators showed a well-detiiwd monatain BOM dddan es adnaaandaananaadene avalddscaa ss ddcaca wd oacasa ces OL The character and identity of the mountains as shown by the negotia- i OMIA oe See Cece a psionic nts ya's yuk ere cs nists dca fs =sies zsessae 100 The evidence of the nntps issued after the treaty as tow hat Drown tstins Umea Ll ERMETUUN aa Secon Gbe td tek ave duis sek sapea akc ene The stikine River: PY ard afaik eek cock be aces casace rc gccnetntetrecieseccrricer Lag PUPP Gye IO KING Cratasaca es Used caniwstacsesucadcaisaacacea ne car 1s Hunter gurvey and Peter Martin affair... ......0 ccc ences seweeceesee: 120 Such mountains as those contemplated by the treaty do not exist within ten ONvitip Wapnes OF the OVORN oo. sco cay sh eccne casas verses besser secseness. Lot It waz never the intention mider the treaty to draw the line along the sum- mits of disconnected peaks, and it is impossible, on the Britich theory, for any tribunal to determine which of such peaks shall be chosen....... 195 From the treaty of 1825 to the treaty of 1867, the understanding manifested by Great Britain, Russia, and the civilized world at large was, that it was “the intention and meaning of said convention of 1825 that there shonkt remain in the exclusive possession of Rusia a continions tringe or strip of onst on the mainiaml, net excveding ten marine leagues in width, separ ating the Briti-h possessions from the bays, ports, inlets, havens, and waters on the ocean and extending from the said point on the auth degree of latitude north toa point where such line of demarcation should iiter- sect the 41st degree of tongituile west of the meridian of Greenwich *'... 139 Assertion of claim by Russia by its official maps to all interior waters and their conats 2-2 ..2---22++--2 Sst el he ie apse aes Sasa eee Bash: a5 130 The official aps of Great Britain at Canada showed their under- standing that Russia owned all of the interior waters and consts now BS SINMOOVERY sc cess dns heh s oc vase ddee es saes Jouaent ane chase nual s The understanding as shown by the maps of Russia and of Great Britain was of general aceeptation by all cartographers, and the decla- rations of the official maps of Great Britain were continned with the TIC LCUME GL Ula TITUCTOURITGLDE 0 oc00e 1s sec geeredens caleascecdoscl eae

Ttussia showed by her occupation and exercise of sovereignty over the

Waters anc cousts in dispute that she claimed them as within her ter- ritory, and Great Britain never, down to the sale ly Russia to the United States, attempted to assert any jurisdiction over sueh waters or coast or to oceupy them in any way or to question the sovereignty Ot Mite OVien theme. 22 occ d ccc serussiwededscapkeeas paucdnsas dee JAG From 1840 to the Anerican purchase the Hudson's Bay Company held all of the waters and coasts in dispute for Russia. This holding was begun and continned with the knowledge and coneent of Creat Britain, which therely indicated that she understood that under the treaty of 1525 they were to belong to Russia... .............0- ao deka Lis The Unitet States purchasal Alaska with the onderstanding on its part and with a knowledye of the understanding indicated by the conduct of Great Gritain that Russia under the treaty of 1825 owned all of the waters and coasts now in dispute, and has held them with that understanding without aby protest from Great Britain down ta the beginning of the present con- OD ee SS Cee 5 oo ae based. KCl ir ead eae Aa ete tehs asp nde sche oe ND SP ONIeTIOMTY MUNCH Fi akaa glee Pte Pate" Solo cleo aac dadccees sence .. 10 ery ai CRUST ae an oka ad aax sauna by cdaceualese eons Betas ee