Page:Alexander Macbain - An Etymological Dictionary of the Gaelic Language.djvu/261

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geir, tallow, Ir., E. Ir. geir, W. gwer, gired, grease. Cf. Gr. χρίω, anoint, Skr. gharsati (do.), *ghrsjô.

geis, gestation, gestators; milk (Carm.):

géisg, creaking noise; see gìosgan.

geòb, a wry mouth; from the Eng. gape, Ag. S. geapian.

geòc, geoic, a wry neck; formed on Eng. cock? Cf. Sc. gekk, grimace.

geòcaire, a glutton, Ir. geócaire, a glutton, stroller, parasite, M. Ir. geocach, mimus; formed on Lat. jocosus (Stokes).

geòdh, geodha, a creek: from the Norse gjá, a chasm, whence N. Scotch geo.

geòla, ship's boat, yawl; from the Scandinavian - Mod.Norse jula, Swedish julle, Dan. jolle, Sc. yolle, Eng. yawl, jolly-boat.

geòlach, a wooden bier, the shoulder-bands of the dead; for root, see giùlan?

geòpraich, a torrent of idle talk; cf. geòb.

geolan, a fan geulran (Sh.), Ir. geóilrean; from the root of giùlan?

geòtan, a spot of arable ground (H.S.D.), a driblet or trifling sum (M'A.):

geuban, giaban, the craw or crop of a bird; see geòb.

geug, a branch, Ir. geug, géag, E. Ir. géc: *gṇkâ, kṇkâ, W. cainc, ysgainc; Skr. c̭añkú, twig, stake; Ch. Sl. sąkŭ, surculus.

geum, a low, Ir. geim, a lowing, roar, E. Ir. géim, shout, géssim, I low: *gengmen-; Lit. żvengiu, neigh; Ch. Sl. zvęgą sound. Cf. Eng. squeak. Cf. Ch. Sl. gangnati, murmur.

geur, giar, sharp, Ir. geur, O. Ir. gér:

gheibh, will get, Ir. gheibhim; root-accented form of faigh, q.v.

giaban, gizzard; see geuban.

giall, a jaw or cheek, jowl, Ir., M. Ir. giall, faucibus; the G. form ciobhall, seems borrowed from Ag. S. ceafl, Eng. jowl; perhaps all are from the Eng.

giall, a hostage, pledge, Ir. giall, O. Ir. giall, W. gwystl, hostage, Cor. guistel, obses, Br. goestl, Gaul. Co-gestlos, *geislo-, *geistlo-; O. H. G. gîsal, Ger. geisel, Norse gísl, Ag. S. gîsel.

giamh, giomh, a fault, blemish:

gibeach, hairy, gibeag, a rag, bundle, Ir. giobach, giobóg, and giob, tail, rag, O. Ir. gibhne, cirrus:

gibeach, neat; for sgibeach? See sgiobalt.

gibein, a piece of flesh (M'E.); from gib of giblion.

giblean, April:

giblion, entrails of a goose, gibean (St. Kilda), grease from the solan goose's stomach:

gibneach, cuttle-fish: *gebbi-; Ger. quappe, turbot?