Page:Alexander Macbain - An Etymological Dictionary of the Gaelic Language.djvu/277

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guirean, a pimple, gur, a festering, Ir., M. Ir. guirín, pustule, E. Ir. gur, pus, W. gôr, pus, goryn, pustula: *goru-, fester, "heat"; root gor, gar, warm, as in gar.

guisead, a gusset; from the Eng.

guit, a corn-fan, unperforated sieve: gottiá:

guitear, a gutter, kennel; from Eng. gutter

gulm, a gloom, forbidding look; from the Eng.?

gulmag, sea-lark (H.S.D.):

gun, without, Ir. gan, O. Ir. cen; Gr. κενεός, empty; root keno-. So O. H. G. hina, hinweg, Ag. S. hin-.

gu'n, gu'm, that, Gr. ὅτι, Ir. go, O. Ir. co, con. Windisch considers this the prep. con, with, and co, to; Zim. and Thur. regard it as from co, to (see gu). The latter explains the n as the relative: *co-sn, a view supported by the verbal accent being on the first syllable and by the occasional form conn(?) See cha'n. from Celtic *vo-ouno-, root in Lat. ex-uo, doff, ind-uo, don, Lit. aunù, put on shoes, áuti.

gunna, a gun, Ir., M. Ir. gunna; from M. Eng. gunne, Eng. gun.

gur, that, Ir. gur: *co-ro; see gu'n for co. Uses are: Gur cruaidh e = O. Ir. corrop cruaid é; corrop is now Ir. gurab, that is co-ro-ba (ba, verb "to be"). gur = gun ro, con ro- (St.).

guraiceach, a blockhead (Sh., H.S.D.):

guraiceach, unfeathered bird, lump (Arg.), from gur.

gurpan, crupper; from Sc. curpon, Eng., O. Fr. croupon.

gurracag, a blot (Arg.):

gurrach, gurraban, crouching, crouching on the hunkers: *gurtha- from gur, brooding as in guir? Cf. Sc. curr, to "hunker", currie, a stool, Eng. cower. The Perthshire curraidh, hunkering, is from Scotch.

gurrach, fledgling, gurach (Arg.):

gurt, fierceness, sternness of look; also gart, q.v.

gus, to, Ir. gus, O. Ir. cossin, to the, to which; prep. gu, co, and the article or relative. The s of the article is preserved after the consonant of co (= qos).

gus, anything (Arg.):

gusair, sharp, keen, strong, Ir. gusmhar, strong; from gus, force, smartness: *gustu-, "choice", root gu, Eng. chose.

gusgan, a hearty draught:

gusgul, refuse, dirt, idle words, roaring:

guth, voice, Ir., O. Ir. guth: *gustu-; I. E. gu; Gr. γόος, groan; Skr. hu, call, cry, havatē, calls; Ch. Sl. zovą, to call. This is