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A Libell of
to his Countrie for a truth, that hee chaſed the Engliſh Nauye with nine Shippes, and did three ſeuerall times giue the onſet to the Engliſh fleete, who being fourteene good Shippes (as he faith) did flye and refuſe to fight, being that The Spaniſh Viceadmirall a man of vallour.the Spanifh Viceadmiral (if he be liuing) and manye other, can witneſſe the contrarie, who fighting like a true valiant man, departed from the fight with a torne and battered Shippe to ſaue her from ſinking. Neither can I imagine that there is any one in the Spaniſh fleete (Don Bernaldino excepted) that will ſaye they were leſſe then twentie ſayle of Shipps when they met the Engliſh fleet: And the Spaniſh Nauy can witneſſe that they receiued ſuch ſtore of Bullets from the Engliſh fleete, that they were glad to The number of the Spaniſh Shippes after the fight.depart, and in deſpight of them the Engliſh Nauie did holde their determined courſe: And taking a view of the Spaniſh fleete the next day, their number was not aboue thirteene Shippes, which did ar-gue