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Spaniſh Lies.

gue that they were either ſunke, or fled to harbour to ſaue themſelues.

Fourthly, The generall ſaith, that the Engliſh fleete fled awaye, and left their Oares for haſte behind them in the Sea.
IT was ſtrange that they ſhoulde leaue behinde them Oares in the Sea, being there was not in the Engliſh fleete either This lie was made in the Generals owne forge. Gally or gallyaſſe, which required the vſe of Oares, as for the Oares of their ſhip-boates and other ſuch ſmall veſſels, they had ſtoed them aboarde their Shippes, and were no impediment