Page:Amazing Stories Volume 16 Number 11.djvu/242

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Donald Grant, 69 Stamford Ave.. Providence, Rhode Island, would like to trade S. F. mags, and books. . . . Larry Price, Roberta, Calif,, has "A Princess of Mars," "Gods of Mars," "Chessmen of Mars," and "Thuvia, Maid of Mars," all by Burroughs for sale. Drop him a card with your offer for one or all of them. He will pay postage. . . . Alex Grune, 2321 Locust St., Texarkana, Ark., would like to correspond with anyone interested in playing chess by mail. . . . Henry Gonlin, 834 Lovett Way, Pittsburgh, Pa., would like to get E. R. Burroughs' books "Back to the Stone Age" and "Carson of Venus." Also, issues of Amazing Stories older than 1938. Send list. . . . Don Eastman, 321 Sherman Ave., Co. Bluffs, Iowa, would like to buy and trade S-F and fantasy books and magazines, especially books by Taine, Kline, Merritt, and Wells. . . . Wesley E. Hall, Rte. 2, Box 241, Kerman, Calif., is interested in forming a science postcard club. Anyone from any state or continent is welcome to join. . . . Richard Wilde, 21, Elbury Ave., Kingswood, Bristol, England, is anxious to obtain a copy of "Conquest of Space" by David Lasser. . . . Shirley Ross, 16 years old, is interested in music, reading, the motion picture world and all sports, would like to write to young service men. Her address is 2808 Dawson Ave., Chicago, Ill. . . . Lucetta Bemis, Route No. 2, Allegan, Michigan, age 16, would enjoy correspondence with girls and boys all over. She collects nearly everything, including A-S Books and would be willing to trade. Interested in everything and everybody. . . . Joe Hensley, 411 S. Fess, Bloomington, Indiana, has the following books for sale or trade: "Outlaw of Tarn," "Land That Time Forgot," "Gods of Mars," "Princess of Mars," by Edgar Rice Burroughs. "Skylark of Space," "Skylark of Valeron," and others by E. E. Smith. He wants books by A. Merritt, George Allan England, John Taine and Otis Adelbert Kline. . . . Cadet candidate, Sgt. W. F. Meyers, of Randolph Field's West Point of the Air, would be interested in writing to young ladies anywhere in the U. S. All letters will be deeply appreciated and answered with some real army yarns. . . . Corp. Donald J. Thomas, 420 S. S. Brks. 804, Sheppard Field. Texas, has lots of spare time in the evening and would like to correspond with persons of any age on any subject. He is interested in nearly everything. . . .

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