Page:Ambulance 464 by Julien Bryan.djvu/273

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Abri: a dugout, shelter from shell fire.

Allemand: German. Allemagne: Germany.

Arrivé: a shell coming towards one from the enemy.

Aspirant: a new officer, or one who is on trial; a candidate or cadet.

Aujourd'hui: today.

Assis: men slightly wounded and able to sit up.

Assez: enuf.

Barrage (tir de): gun fire which prohibits the movement of troops; curtain of fire.

Beurre: butter; petit beurre, little crackers.

Bidon: gourd, or canteen; pail for water.

Blessés: wounded.

Bleu, Blanc et Rouge: Blue, white and red, the colors of the French flag.

Boche: German. The word has come to mean thick-head. It was used to denote a person who butted into a game, or was the goat against whom everyone joined.

Bois: forest or wood.

Boulangerie: bakery.

Boyau: a trench, usually a communication trench; originally, a passage-way.

Brancardier: a stretcher-bearer.

Briquet: a cigarette lighter.

Camion: a truck; camionette: a little truck.

Camouflage: means used to render objects inconspicuous.