Page:Ambulance 464 by Julien Bryan.djvu/274

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Cantonnement: cantonment; quarters.

Centime: monetary value, about one-fifth of a cent. The smallest coin used is the five centime piece.

Chasseur (Alpin): a soldier belonging to a famous French corps.

Château: a country mansion, formerly the word meant castle.

Chef: chief.

Cognac: a kind of brandy.

Couchés: stretcher cases. Literally, men so badly wounded as to have to be carried lying down.

Confiture: jam, or sweets.

Coup de main: trench raid.

Croix de Guerre: the War Cross, a French decoration.

Departé: one of our own shells, on its way to the enemy.

Douille: a brass shell case.

Douze: Twelve.

Drapeau: a flag.

Eau-de-Vie: whiskey.

Éclat: fragments of shells or grenades; shell splinters.

Encore des blessés: still more wounded!

Epicerie: grocery store.

Evacuation: transporting wounded to the rear; simply, moving of wounded.

Essence: gasoline.

Fatigue cap: pointed cloth cap worn by French.

Feuille: the opposite of a marraine. The man with whom the girl corresponds.

Fil-de-fer: barbed-wire.